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  • | 4:00 a.m. September 24, 2014
  • East County
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Barbara and Gary Rogers took their East County Observer along on a month-long trip to Europe, and they photographed themselves with their Observer while sightseeing in five countries — The Netherlands, Germany, France, England and Scotland. Two of the couple’s children, Celine and Matthew, joined them for the final leg of the trip in Scotland.

Barbara enjoyed reconnecting with one of her friends who lives in Germany, whom she had not seen in more than 20 years. Gary enjoyed visiting the town of Mastershausen, Germany, where he attended school as a teenager.

The couple report that the highlights of the trip were exploring Paris, and renting a car in Germany and driving on the Autobahn. They say that, in the words of one of East County’s famous residents: It was “awesome, baby!”



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