Event chairs Kathy Neudorfer, Peggy Jelinek, Gloria Long and Carol Weis
Brad McIntosh and Seaplace Director of Operations Wendy Cichowski
Rita Keller and Sue Friedman
Ginny Nevans, Marilyn Lami and Paige Titterton
Steven Micheletti, Bob Neudorfer and Dotti Pirolli
Bob Miccio, Bob Friedman and General Manager Bill Deskus
June Hessel and Sue Pariseau
Mary Ellen Licklider with Arlene and Jerry Schwartz
Dan Hessel and Roger Holz
Marilyn Holz and Roselyn Erickson
Anne and Joseph Neme with Rosa Maria Portillo
Paul and Judy Achre and Howard Bushin
Seaplace residents got together one last time before the end of the season on April 22.