Sign points to PSA

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  • | 5:00 a.m. February 25, 2015
  • East County
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Seventh-graders at R. Dan Nolan Middle School put conviction to action Monday, as they installed a sign at Lakewood Ranch High School.

It reads: “Be safe. Be aware. Be back tomorrow.”

Students Amanda Boccarossa, Kaitlin Bush, Beau Cunningham, Ellie Fensterle, Angelo LaFrese and Lauren Whiddon completed the project as part of their Construction Challenge for the Technology Student Association.

Their school has seen several alumni leave for high school, reach driving age and then die in car accidents.

“Our team is not just looking to save a life today, or tomorrow, if these kids learn at a young age to ‘be safe, be aware and be back tomorrow,’ then they will drive safer the rest of their lives and pass it on to friends, family and everyone in between,” Fensterle says.

Lakewood Ranch High School Principal Craig Little approved the project. The team then spent hours cutting and painting the sign to get it ready for installation.

The team also is sharing a short video called “In Just One Second” to show how one decision can change something forever.



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