Black Tie & Tales

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  • | 11:00 p.m. January 13, 2015
Michael's On East catering captain Tracey McCammack runs the show on her birthday. Photo by Cliff Roles.
Michael's On East catering captain Tracey McCammack runs the show on her birthday. Photo by Cliff Roles.
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+ Perlman pinnacle
The 11th annual Perlman Music Program Suncoast Celebration Concert and Gala Jan. 3 was a splendid evening. Program founder Toby Perlman proclaimed the season a “pinnacle of excellence” and made a special point of thanking “Chocolate Lady,” Ilana Jones, who delivered daily doses to students and faculty. PMP Suncoast Board President Fran Lambert reminded guests of the program’s 17 no-charge events. And Tracey McCammack, a beloved Michael’s On East catering captain, was hard at work — on her birthday. She pointed with pride to the fact that her team served 400 covers two courses in 45 minutes in a jammed ballroom. Her celebration, she said, would wait until the next day when hubby Sean Berryman, the ballroom’s head catering chef, would serve her Caesar salad with blackened chicken and a bottle of Prosecco. Brava, Tracey, and happy birthday!

+ Feet firmly on the ground
Nik Wallenda and Erendira Ashton-Vazquez celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary with a vow renewal ceremony at Ca d’Zan Jan. 4. There was speculation that Wallenda might arrive on a high wire (he originally proposed from one) but he and his eight groomsmen instead disgorged from a “clown car” driven by Chuck “Chucko” Sidlow. Preacher, televangelist and long-time spiritual adviser and friend Joel Osteen did the honors. During the ceremony, Wallenda gently teased his soft-spoken bride who was perhaps tearing up, “We did this once,” he said.

The party, planned by NK Productions Wedding Planning, was a classy evening including their love of circus with unicyclists and an aerial ring during cocktails, a video crew from the Discovery Channel (stay tuned for the air date) and multiple generations of the couple’s families, from Erendira’s grandmother Jackie Ashton Hay and mom Golda Ashton Hay down to her youngest nephew Nathan, age 1. Her sister and cousin both sang for the first dance and father/daughter dance. Among the guests: Pedro Reis and Dolly Jacobs, Jennifer Mitchell and Ryan Clarke, Chuck and Noriko Sidlow, “Jungle Jack” and Suzi Hanna, Paul and Nikki Caragiulo, Dr. David and Stephanie Sugar, David and Myrna Band, Matt and Diana Buchanan and John and Angela Massaro-Fain.

+ A family affair
What a weekend at the beach it must have been for the Glickman and Lauder families of Sarasota and New York. On New Years Day, Judith Glickman and Leonard Lauder were married at the Ritz-Carlton Beach Club. Officiating was her son Rabbi Brenner J. Glickman of Temple Emanu-El with his brother Rabbi Jeffrey Glickman, and Rabbi Elaine Rose Glickman, the wife of Rabbi Brenner Glickman. Two days later on Jan. 3, Leo Glickman, the son of Rabbis Brenner and Elaine Rose Glickman, became a Bar Mitzvah at Temple Emanu-El and celebrated with lunch at the Chart House on Longboat Key. Congratulations and best wishes.

+ All in the details
Robert Graham Co-Founder Robert Stock visited The Met Jan. 9 for a designer meet and greet. Nearly 100 guests stopped in the fashion house during the event, where they enjoyed hors d’eouvres and drinks (including bacon and whiskey sours), got a preview of the 2015 spring collection and some got their Robert Graham pieces signed by Stocks himself. Bernie and Lauren Walsh, Margie and Kelvin Cooper, John Pennie, Dr. Gloria Lipscomb, Victor Talamo, Michael Klauber, Andrew Guenther and Gary Jones were spotted that evening.

+ Tidbits
Welcome back … Nice to see Bob and Diane Roskamp at the Perlman gala and again at an Asolo Rep opening night Jan. 9. They sold their Golden Gate Point condo and moved to a home in University Park, where they will be until May … Bali high … Speaking at the opening night dinner for the Asolo Rep’s “Matchmaker” Jan. 9, Producing Artistic Director Michael Donald Edwards said more than 24,000 people saw “South Pacific,” which closed Dec. 28 — a record for any Asolo production … Sending happy thoughts … to The Observer’s music reviewer and friend June LeBell while she undergoes her second round of chemo. Get well.

+ Black Tie Affair
Circus Arts Gala Honoring Tana Sandefur
Benefiting: The Circus Arts Conservatory outreach programs
When: 6:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 30
Where: Under the Big Top, Nathan Benderson Park
Tickets: $195
Contact: 355-9335




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