George Allison, Shirley Seidman, Jan Bullard and Alan Watkins
Charlie Astafan, Jeanette Bakowski and Bob Lautermilch
Beverly and Bob Barthman
Aldo Boldi and Enid Rodriguez
Lester Rice, Kurt Crist and Christine Brown
Cameron Cox, Julie Lautermilch and Bob Libby
Nora and Andrew Guenther with Christina Reynolds
Joyce and 2015 Preview Party Chair Jeff Hart
Kristen Kiekel and Lee Anne Eason
2015 Designer Showhouse Chair Terrance Leaser, 2015 Designer Showhous Captain Marla Oppenheim and Bill Tidmore
Ken Prokop, Maribel Martin, 2015 Designer Showhouse Chair Terrance Leaser and Natalie Torres