Bashaw Elementary slated to receive renovations

At its June 23 meeting, the Manatee County School Board will determine whether the East County school will undergo more than $600,000 in campus improvements.

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  • | 1:35 p.m. June 23, 2015
The Manatee County School Board meets at 5:45 p.m. June 23, to discuss whether Willliam H. Bashaw Elementary School will receive renovations.
The Manatee County School Board meets at 5:45 p.m. June 23, to discuss whether Willliam H. Bashaw Elementary School will receive renovations.
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A school hidden in East County near the Braden River, William H. Bashaw Elementary School hasn't received many renovations since it was constructed in 1985.

Construction teams replaced the roof o building one in 2000; the facility received new heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in 2003; and in 2006, a special coating was applied to the building's metal roof to help lengthen its life.

But, the local school could undergo its biggest and most expensive makeover, yet, depending on the Manatee County School Board's decision at its meeting at 5:45 p.m. tonight.

The board will discuss whether to complete more than $600,000 in renovations to the school. Projects include expanding the cafeteria, upgrading ceiling tiles campus-wide, replacing the carpet throughout the school and expanding teachers' planning areas.

The Bashaw project has a proposed budget of $8.9 million, but the only numbers released to the district so far are the $520,038 for the architect or engineer and $44,500 for the project manager.

Timelines and other price points will be discussed at the June 23 school board meeting.

Other items slated for discussion include a breakdown of how East County high schools measured up against other county schools in terms of scholarship dollars to colleges and universities.

Lakewood Ranch High School students received $3 million in scholarships, and agencies offered Braden River High students $1.5 million, of the county's $16.8 million in financial aid.

To view tonight's agenda, visit,%202015%20Regular%20Meeting%20and%20Public%20Hearing%20on%20Tuesday,%20June%2023,%202015/879DA623-5F93-4646-A1B1-D7A0F0C32614Agenda.htm.

The school board meeting is open to the public and will be held at the School Support Center, 215 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton. 

A workshop will be held from 3 to 5 p.m., prior to the board meeting.

Contact Amanda Sebastiano at [email protected].


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