Why to vote in the city runoff election, as told by 'The Simpsons'

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  • | 1:13 p.m. May 11, 2015
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Look, we get it. For those of you in your 20s or 30s, tomorrow's Sarasota City Commission runoff election isn't exactly the sexiest sounding way to spend your day.

But however boring it might sound, the issues these policymakers vote on really do have an impact on your everyday life. Not to mention the fact that our age group already has a reputation for complaining about Sarasota's status quo while making no efforts to do anything about it (fewer than 100 voters under 30 voted in the first election in March).

We know you've had the merits of democracy and the importance of voting rammed down your throat since grade school, so there's probably not much left we can say to get you to the polls. But if you won't take our word for it, maybe you'll heed the advice of one of the most esteemed political analysts of our time: Homer Simpson.

Here's seven reasons to vote in tomorrow's runoff election, as told by Homer and fellow cast members of America's longest-running sitcom.


The City Commission holds the key to exploring major transit projects, like the idea for a streetcar once proposed for downtown Sarasota. With traffic issues continuing to fester, commissioners would be the ones to give their blessing to a traffic system like this:

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Worried the city of Sarasota is actually run by a secretive underground organization? Here’s your chance to vote for who you think are the true outsiders. Also, if you don’t vote, you could be required to wear the Stone of Shame.


No matter how trivial, they matter. Did you get plastered on mimosas and bloody marys before noon last Sunday? You can thank city commissioners for voting to repeal the so-called “Blue Law” in January, allowing the booze to flow on the most fun day of the week (according to Instagram).

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Yeah, yeah, the parties have managed to infiltrate this local election, but since there's no third-party candidate, at least you won’t be throwing your vote away.

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City commissioners have the final say on major zoning decisions, such as where gun stores can go (but not on the waiting period poor Homer has to endure when buying his firearm).

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If you don't think this race is a big deal, consider this: The four remaining candidates have raised a combined $117,000 for their campaigns. Hey, it's no Burns money, but it's certainly not chump change.

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It's tough to see the impact of your vote in a presidential election. But on a local level, where elections can be decided by 100-vote margins, it's hard to say your vote doesn't matter. Democracy only works if you make it.

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For more information on candidates, where to vote and how to find your precinct, visit SarasotaVotes.com.


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