How local government budgets compare

How will this year's budget affect your bottom line, and how does it compare to nearby counties, cities?

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  • | 6:00 a.m. October 1, 2015
  • Sarasota
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Sarasota County’s adopted 2015-16 fiscal budget is down 5% from a year ago, despite operating costs projected to increase 2.3%. The decrease is in part the result of the county reducing its debt spending by approximately $100 million because county staff negotiated lower bond rates for the coming fiscal year.

Based on a constant county-wide millage of 3.3912 mills and a countywide, taxable property value increase of 7.1%, the county estimates a property that valued at $250,000 last year would be valued at $267,750. The tax bill for that property would increase from $848 to $908. 

Kim Radtke, director of the office of financial management for the county, said that while county revenues are growing, they are still below 2004 levels.

Like many local governments, Sarasota County began its budget process with a flat millage ratte, with each department applying for new positions as needed. The county administrator’s office made final decisions.

The county’s strategy, according to Radtke, is to grow consistently with 3% growth annually.



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