Families use pedal power to promote safety

Braden River Elementary School families participated in the national Walk and Bike to School Day today.

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  • | 9:44 a.m. October 7, 2015
William Pope, 8 bicycled two miles with his brother, Andrew, and dad, Robert.
William Pope, 8 bicycled two miles with his brother, Andrew, and dad, Robert.
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Charlie Kardos, 6, woke up extra early to participate.
Charlie Kardos, 6, woke up extra early to participate.

Braden River Elementary students and their families walked, biked and rolled their way to school Oct. 7, during National Walk and Bike to School Day.

Jassee Alexis, 7 enjoys walking with friends.
Jassee Alexis, 7 enjoys walking with friends.

About 500 people participated in the event, compared with the 20 children who walk or ride their bicycles to school on a typical day, Braden River physical education teacher Penny Stilson said.

Stilson said children spent the last two weeks during her class learning about pedestrian and bicycle safety in preparation for the event, which also promotes exercise and the reduction of environmental pollution.

Max Chyshkebych, 8, was impressed by the crowd of walkers.
Max Chyshkebych, 8, was impressed by the crowd of walkers.

“We do it so the children are safe,” she said.

Participants said they enjoyed the cool weather, as well as spending time together as a family.

Camille Perez, 7,  said she had fun.
Camille Perez, 7, said she had fun.

“It was a blast,” River Club resident and father Robert Pope said, trailing close behind his twin sons, William and Andrew, on the bicycle. “It was fun to ride together. They hardly went to bed last night they were so excited.”

Although Lucy Hense and sons, Storm and Shane, live too far away to walk the whole way, they parked down the street and strolled to class. 

“It’s fun exercise,” Storm, 7, said. 



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