- November 23, 2024
Jack Frost wasn’t quite nipping at the noses of participants during the third annual Holiday Scavenger Hunt, but they was definitely a chill in the air as people went from store to store, solving each of the clues hidden inside.
The event was hosted by the Burns Court Neighborhood Association as part of its Second Friday program. Every month between October and May, Burns Court store owners open up their doors to promote Burns Court businesses.
This month is the association stayed with tradition and put a holiday spin on the monthly event.
Each participant was given a card with the names of the 12 participating stores. Each store posted a clue near its front door. Once participants solved the clue, they had to find the item the clue referred to, which was hidden in the store. Participants used their cards to enter a raffle to win a prize from one of the stores in the hunt.
"It's just perfect..." Anita Heinrich said while working through the scavenger hunt with her granddaughter. "The problem is when you into these stores you're so distracted.There is so much you want to see. I already bought two necklaces!"
And that's the point.
“It’s just to get people in to see stuff that they would not have seen before,” event organizer Julie Alutermilch said.
As for participating store owner Rosemary Angeleri, her favorite part is the look on people's faces when they finally find the item. She once had a person look for an hour and half.
"They don't give up," Angeleri said. "That's for sure."