Janet Ginn and Melliss Swenson
Virginia Page and Jean Weidner Goldstein
Alice Stonaker, Terry Ditmyer, Anne Enyart and Lois Noyes
Speakers Tracey Tucci, Iain Webb, Diane Partington, Jaye Martin, Sara Sardelli and Kathy Dandois-Boivin
Angel Algeri and Becky Miller
Diane Cable and Janice Kunkel
Barbara Harrison and Barbara Kerwin
Marcia and Sidney Rutberg with Konrad and Lenee Owens
Speakers Tracey Tucci, Iain Webb, Diane Partington, Jaye Martin, Sara Sardelli, Kathy Dandois-Boivin and Emily Walsh
Iain Webb with Maralyn and Raymond Morrissey
The Friends of the Ballet hosted a Showcase Luncheon on Monday, Feb. 15, at Michael's On East.