Karen and Peter Burk with Dawn and Mitchell Epstein
Shana and Bob Arello
Matt Christian and Jordan Hallam
Dick Dickinson, Tom Towel and Linda Dickinson
Matt Freeman and John Freeman
Michelle Giddens, Jennifer Dolciotto and Amy Archer
Lenny and Angela Katz with Steve Brettholtz and Lori Sampson
Doreen and Jon Curp
Janet Dydo, Nancy Isaac and Connie Nall
Mitchell Epstein and Michael Klauber
Kelly Fores and David Breitbarth with Jamie and Andrea Dennis
Will and Pam Lakoff with Mary and Michael Gearhardt
Mike Lepore, Pat Lepore, Tina Lepore, Michael Lepore Jr. and Maria Bankemper
Ryan and Sarah Lodge
Deborah and Carl Marino
Ramona Glanz and Andrew Vac
Emma Kate Silvestri, Karen Cadou, Annette Sciolino and Hugh Shields
VIPs and sponsors attend the Forks & Corks Kickoff Party on Thursday, Jan. 28, at Suncoast Motorsports.