Manatee Clerk's office warns of scam

Property owners can obtain copies of their deed at minimal costs through the county government.

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  • | 4:12 p.m. October 26, 2017
  • East County
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A scam letter regarding deed and property assessments may be circulating in the area.

The Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court is warning residents that some homeowners have received a letter from companies proposing to sell a copy of their deed and property assessment profile for as much as $100. The solicitations are often concentrated in a specific zip code or neighborhood so that neighbors receive the letters at the same time.

“Your deed is a public record and is permanently maintained and preserved by the Manatee Clerk of Circuit Court and County Comptroller’s Office,” said Manatee County Clerk Angel Colonneso in a press release. “You do not have to pay a private company for a copy.”

Residents can access and print these documents for free any time off of the county's website. Certified copies, if needed, cost $1 per page and $2 for the certification. In most cases, the total cost ranges between $3 and $5.

For more information, contact the Public Access Department at (941) 741-4040 or email


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