- March 6, 2025
Charging right through
4:20 p.m., 400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Traffic: The Ohio driver of a Dodge Charger received a written warning after police spotted the car driving through a crosswalk while the warning lights were flashing and pedestrians were trying to cross.
Who wants Chinese?
4:58 p.m., 500 block of Bayport Way
Fire alarm: Police and fire-rescue units responded to a report of an activated residential fire alarm, but quickly discovered a main-course emergency. A turkey left in the oven too long sent smoke into the residence, setting off the smoke detectors. Fire-rescue personnel reset the alarms.
Settle down
7:02 p.m., 5200 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Disturbance: Officers paid a visit to a group of residents who got into a dispute over a cap gun and a small fire on a nearby beach. Police were notified of the dispute and spoke to both parties, with no charges or official complaints being filed. They were told to stay away from each other.
It’s a gusher!
8:35 a.m., 2300 block of Harbour Oaks Drive
Public service: Police responded to a neighborhood in response to water bubbling from the ground near a driveway. The town’s Public Works Department told the officer the agency was aware of the problem and advised the homeowner to contact a plumber, because the problem was not related to town infrastructure.
Wanted: Dead or … dead
2 p.m., Police Headquarters
Suspicious circumstance: Police received a call from a wildlife trapper, relaying word of a telephone call he had received from an unidentified woman on the island seeking his services to kill a coyote in the area. The trapper said the woman was persistent, but he refused the job and called police to alert them about her request.
Where did it go?
2:21 p.m., 300 block of Longboat Club Road
Missing property: A woman called police to say she was missing her $21,000 diamond ring and wanted to file a report. She said she had been in a bathroom at a resort and removed the ring, which she described as size 5 ½ with a large diamond in the center, surrounded by 14 smaller diamonds, while she washed her hands and left without replacing it on her finger. When she remembered leaving it behind, she returned to the bathroom without finding the ring. She alerted resort security who helped look for it, but nothing was found.
Can’t fool her
2:27 p.m., 1200 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Suspicious phone call: A resident called police to report a probable scam phone call. She said she had received an automated message that claimed her Social Security benefits had been cut off. She immediately suspected a scam and called back the number (425-441-6753) to learn it was not accepting incoming calls.
Hello, hooman
7:58 p.m., 500 block of Hornblower Lane
Animal call: Police were told a dog could be heard barking inside a house for two hours, but when officer arrived he heard nothing out of the ordinary. When he rang the bell, the small white dog inside began barking. The homeowner, who was out, said by phone the dog frequently barks when he hears other neighborhood dogs barking. The officer relayed to county authorities there were no dog-in-distress issues at that address.
Taking call care
3:38 p.m., 1400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Suspicious phone call: A resident called police to report a telephone conversation that was likely the prelude to a scam. She said her husband, who experiences dementia, spoke for an hour to a caller from Bluffton, Ohio, about unsolicited repairs to a computer that he has no access to. A second call was made a day later, but the residents ignored it. The resident told police all seemed in order with bank and credit accounts and she was unaware of any personal data released. Police advised alerting financial institutions and possibly having the Ohio number blocked.
A little help
11:23 p.m., 6400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Public service: An officer on patrol was flagged down by a pedestrian walking in the southbound bicycle lane. The woman told the officer she was trying unsuccessfully to get passing cars to stop to help her. With no wants or warrants posted, she was given a courtesy ride to the Salvation Army in Downtown Sarasota.
No Parking (Boat Edition)
3:23 p.m., 700 block of Linley Street
Public service: Police spoke to a boat operator about mooring his craft off the town dock while dining at a nearby restaurant. The operator was told it was fine to use the dock to drop off passengers, but he could not moor the vessel there while they ate. The operator agreed to move to the restaurant’s docks.
Trashy discovery
3:05 p.m., 700 block of Emerald Harbor Drive
Larceny: A man moving into a new home realized there were no Waste Management trash bins on the property and called the company to inquire about them. He was told to call police and make a report of a theft so he can get a replacement delivered.
Who’s there?
4:30 p.m., 500 block of Golf Links Lane
Suspicious circumstance: A woman who came to Police Headquarters relayed a report of a suspicious man at her front door and asked that officers check her home before she returned. She said her security service had alerted her to video of the man who appeared to be trying to get in. Police found no evidence of a break-in but found the sliding glass door unlocked. Officers advised the woman about the unlocked door and that the man might have been trying to leave a lawn-service advertisement.
C’mon in
2:43 p.m., 500 block of Bay Isles Parkway
Suspicious vehicle: A white Tesla with its passenger door open in a parking lot drew the attention of police. After an officer arrived, the owner returned to the car and said they had inadvertently left the door open.