- March 26, 2025
Why do you want to serve on the Charter Review Board? I have served the CRB the last four years; two of which as Chair. I believe the CRB requires a very straightforward and common sense approach to leadership. I also believe in the "if it aint broke, don't fix it" theory of government. I wish to continue to serve in this important role as the potential for harm rather than good exists in any governing body and that in my position on the CRB I am well placed to prevent that from occurring.
What would be your top three priorities, if elected? My priorities are to maintain the status quo unless strong enough evidence is provided on any particular issue that would lead me to believe otherwise.
Do you think the board should take a more active or passive role in determining potential changes to the charter? Passive. See above
What makes you a better candidate for the office than your opponent? I've served for four years.