- December 26, 2024
11:56 a.m. — 1600 block of North Tamiami Trail
Property damage: The manager of a restaurant reported repeated incidents of vandalism in the property’s bathroom. One time, an individual went into the bathroom and spray-painted a design on one of the urinal dividers in the men’s bathroom. The restaurant removed the spray paint. Later, an individual went into the same bathroom and carved a similar design into a mirror inside one of the stalls. Staff checked the surveillance video and were unable to see the individual responsible for the vandalism.
8:15 p.m. — 1400 block of Myrtle Street
Property damage: Officers responded to a report regarding a streetlight that had been knocked over and was blocking the roadway. Officers determined a car most likely hit the light post, although there was no noticeable point of impact, skid marks, missing paint or vehicle parts at the scene. No witnesses reported seeing a vehicle crash into the light. Officers notified city staff about the streetlight.
12:10 p.m. — 2400 block of Fruitville Road
Dispute: An officer responded to a traffic incident in a private parking lot. The officer spoke to the driver of a pickup truck and three public transportation employees. The truck driver said he was getting ready to back out of a parking spot when he felt his vehicle move. He saw a bus backing out of the lot close to his truck and believed the bus hit the hitch attached to his vehicle.
The bus driver said she was backing out of the parking lot while a coworker guided her. The bus driver said she saw the truck driver’s brake lights go on, so as a precaution, the coworker struck the truck with his open palm to discourage the truck driver from backing out. An officer did not see any damage to the hitch and believed it was logistically impossible for the bus to have struck the hitch. Both parties exchanged information and left the scene without further incident.
6:06 p.m. — 5100 block of North Tamiami Trail
Financial crime: An employee at a store reported that a customer used a fake $5 bill to pay for a purchase. The employee said the bill felt “off,” and after an investigation, it was determined the money was counterfeit. The employee did not want to press charges because she did not think the customer knew the bill was fake. An officer confirmed the bill did not have key markings or watermarks.