Longboat Key Cops Corner: You're coming with us

Police reports from around the island.

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  • | 5:00 a.m. August 21, 2019
  • Longboat Key
  • Cops Corner
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August 10

You’re coming with us

3:13 a.m., 6900 block of Lois Avenue

Warrants: Longboat Key police assisted the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office with the apprehension of a town man on several arrest warrants. After arriving at an address linked with the man, police found him asleep inside. His identity was confirmed, as were three warrants: two connected to drug-related charges and one on a violation of parole connected to a theft charge. He was taken into custody without incident, taken to the town police station for processing and turned over to Manatee deputies at the West Manatee Fire Station on Cortez Road.

Oops, sorry

8:05 a.m., 6100 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Alarm: Police responded to an activated residential burglar alarm only to find it had been accidentally set off by a construction crew.

A cautious approach

12:43 p.m., 3600 block of Bayou Circle

Alarm: An officer responding to a report of an activated residential burglar alarm arrived at the address and reported two open front doors. He waited for backup to arrive before investigating, eventually finding no sign of a burglary. The officer reported the owner likely had not properly secured the doors. Before locking the front doors properly, the officer left his business card on the kitchen counter with a case number.

Just checking

4:05 p.m., 600 block of General Harris Street

Security check: While on routine patrol, an officer stopped to investigate why the rear garage bay of the town’s Public Works Department complex was open. Upon his investigation, the officer noted nothing out of the ordinary. A call to the on-call Public Works staffer confirmed all was OK.

I’ll take that

10:04 p.m., 400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Traffic: The town’s license-plate monitoring system alerted officers to a car southbound on GMD, owned by a person with a suspended license. The car was stopped and the driver told of that situation and a requirement the car’s license plate be seized. The driver said he was unaware of the suspension but parked the car and told the officer it would not be moved until a new license plate could be arranged or a towing service alerted. The driver was also issued a written citation.

No trouble here

11:16 p.m., 700 block of Broadway

Alarm: An audible business alarm indicating a back-door entry attracted police. Once a cleaning crew arrived to shut off the alarm, police checked the business interior and found no signs of foul play.

Too fast, not furious

11:40 p.m., 100 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Traffic: An officer monitoring traffic pulled over a southbound vehicle which he had clocked at 55 mph in a 35 mph zone. The driver said he was headed home from work and would be returning in the morning. He was issued a written warning.

August 11

Nothing to worry about

4:24 p.m., 6200 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Alarm: Police and fire-rescue personnel were sent to a church on a report of an activated fire alarm. There was no fire, the alarm was false.

Mom is missing

4:58 p.m., 4600 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Missing person: A caller from a town resort alerted police that a family member had wandered away from their group on the beach in search of shells and hadn’t been seen or heard from in about 20 minutes. A woman who said the missing person was her mother said she thought she had headed south along the shore. Police found her in the 6400 block of the beach, in good health with no issues. She was given a ride back to the resort.

When is a door not a door? When it’s ajar

11:37 p.m., 500 block of St. Judes Drive

Security check: An officer on patrol, making a routine security check of a business, found the front door ajar. Nothing inside the business indicated a break-in had taken place, and the door handle was found in the unlocked position. The officer locked the door and ensured it was closed properly.

August 12

Too late

12:22 a.m., 100 block of Broadway

Traffic: A car parked during prohibited hours (11 p.m. to 5 a.m.) was issued a citation.

Enough, already

9:01 a.m., 200 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Abandoned 911 call: Police responded to check out an abandoned 911 call from a south-island business. Police reported receiving more than 60 such calls in the previous four days because of a phone-line glitch. Management told police they were awaiting action from their home office to contact the phone-service provider to investigate the source of the calls.

August 13

Elusive dog

1:05 a.m., 500 block of Bay Isles

Animal call: Police initially spotted a loose dog after receiving a report from a citizen, but the dog ran off into the woods as officers approached. Even though officers kept looking, they couldn’t spot the dog again.

Red means stop

5:18 p.m., 2600 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Traffic: An officer watched as a vehicle stopped at a red light, then proceeded through the intersection while the light remained red. The driver told the officer he had been looking over some paperwork and was not paying attention. The driver was issued a citation for violation of a traffic-control device.

Light and sound

10:40 p.m., 600 block of Jackson Way

Disturbance: A resident called police complaining about air conditioning noise and lights coming from a nearby condominium community. The woman was told her complaints would be relayed to the town’s Code Enforcement officer.

August 14

Not open for business

11:08 p.m., 4000 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Security check: Police checking on the security of a business found a door unlocked. The building showed no sign of a break-in. A keyholder was called to the premises to lock up, but the officer had to leave before meeting with the person. The next time the officer checked on the business a few hours later, the door had been properly secured.


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