Letters to Santa bring children's Christmas wishes to life in Lakewood Ranch area

Have a merry Christmas from our local children, our schools and the East County Observer.

Enjoy our Letters to Santa
Enjoy our Letters to Santa
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Letters to the Santa, like his very visit each year on Christmas Eve, is a tradition here at the East County Observer. We hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday season and take a moment to read these letters by our local children. Thanks so much to our East County teachers for all they do for our students.

Daniel Hsu, a first-grader at Gene Witt Elementary School
Daniel Hsu, a first-grader at Gene Witt Elementary School

Dear Santa,

Santa, I want a spit cor Please I love you You are the Best and a go cart and a toy cheetah and I wonte plesus sonez. 

From, Daniel

Daniel Hsu, 6

A first-grader at Gene Witt Elementary School






Cord's letter
Cord's letter


Cord London, a first-grader at Gene Witt Elementary School
Cord London, a first-grader at Gene Witt Elementary School

Dear Santa,

Can I pleis hove spriesan requleumi and BeyBlyyd brefcase and 2000000000000000000000 BackuGon!!!!!!!! And a hamster!!!

From, Cord

Cord London, 7 

A first-grader at Gene Witt Elementary School






Jacob Frizzell, a first grader at Gene Witt Elementary School
Jacob Frizzell, a first grader at Gene Witt Elementary School

Dear Santa,

I want a corvet stingray and a hover car and a red panda and a Godzzilla toy and 1 million cash.

From, Jacob Frizzell

Jacob Frizzell, 6

A first-grader at Gene Witt Elementary School








Layla's letter
Layla's letter


Layla Vaughn, a kindergartner at Gilbert W. McNeal Elementary School
Layla Vaughn, a kindergartner at Gilbert W. McNeal Elementary School

dear Santa

I want a hachuml and A pixebel. how can the elfs fliy!? A new Alexa. And new book. And a no tablit. 

Love LAylA

Layla Vaughn, 5

A kindergartner at Gilbert W. McNeal Elementary School







Logan's letter
Logan's letter



Logan Murphy, a kindergartner at Gilbert W. McNeal Elementary School
Logan Murphy, a kindergartner at Gilbert W. McNeal Elementary School

Dear Santa

I want a lot of BaseBall cards and PS forn and a a lot of pigion Books. How dus a ran deer fly? I like you Santa.

Love Logan

Logan Murphy, 6

A kindergartner at Gilbert W. McNeal Elementary School







Adyson's letter
Adyson's letter


Adyson Shortridge, a third-grader at Robert E. Willis Elementary School
Adyson Shortridge, a third-grader at Robert E. Willis Elementary School

Dear Santa

I have been very good this year. Here are some thing I want this year. I’m going to write what I want. Here is a list. Some mack up, Because I love mack up. A surf bourd, because I’ve always wanted one. An art set, because I love Art and every thing about it. A lego house, that’s very big, because I love legos. A camra, because I love taking Pictures. 

Merry Christmas Santa. 

Adyson Shortridge, 8

A third-grader at Robert E. Willis Elementary School







Jasmine Black, a third-grader at Robert E. Willis Elementary School
Jasmine Black, a third-grader at Robert E. Willis Elementary School

Dear Santa, 

I never had a friend like you, but what I want for Christmas is an osprey and an eagle and 6 babies — 3 girl eagles and 3 boy ospreys. I also want a lion and a tiger with 6 babies — 3 girl tigers and 3 boy lions. Do you want to be my friend?

Yes or No



Jasmine Black, 8

A third-grader at Robert E. Willis Elementary School





Ella's letter
Ella's letter


Ella Vinson, a second-grader at Robert E. Willis Elementary School
Ella Vinson, a second-grader at Robert E. Willis Elementary School

Dear Santa,

I hope you have a merry Christmas. 

Thank you for all the gifts over the years. This Christmas i would love a real baby sister and a mermaid tale for the water to swim. For my mom to not be working and be able to spend the whole day with me.

Love Ella Vinson

Ella Vinson, 8

A second-grader at Robert E. Willis Elementary School







Wesley Pies, a first-grader at Robert E. Willis Elementary School
Wesley Pies, a first-grader at Robert E. Willis Elementary School

Dear Santa,

I love you Santa. You are nice becaase you giev us presents I am excited for Christmas beecawsc I get to ge you and giye you cookies. Can you give me minecraft on the wii u? Can you give me a plane ticket to northe carolina? I’ve never ridden on an airplane and want to stay in a cabin with a back porch.

Your friend,

Wesley Pies

Wesley Pies, 6

A first-grader at Robert E. Willis Elementary School







Gabriellla's letter
Gabriellla's letter


Gabriella Busenburg, a kindergartner at Braden River Elementary School
Gabriella Busenburg, a kindergartner at Braden River Elementary School

Dear Santa, 

I am a gorl. I am nis to my fezs. I wot a pupey. I am fiv. I wot Dolhas with dos. I am Gabriella.



Gabriella Busenburg, 5

A kindergartner at Braden River Elementary School






Nataly Perez De Lima, a first-grader at Braden River Elementary School
Nataly Perez De Lima, a first-grader at Braden River Elementary School

Dear Santa

How or you Santa is it God in the North pole mae mom wos a teshrt den mae dad mae dad wos nyou pas mae grandma wos A nyou nepoles naw wot i wot i wot A roBAt Dog I wot Goo Goo Galazy I wot A swsot I wot A iPhone

Love from Nataly

Nataly Perez De Lima, 7

A first-grader at Braden River Elementary School











Danica's letter
Danica's letter


Danica Valentine, a second-grader at Braden River Elementary School
Danica Valentine, a second-grader at Braden River Elementary School

Dear Santa...

How Do you go to each House every Christmacs Hi Do you Remember me My Name is Danica V and i wnot a tamplen and a BaBy Botheer and a cumputer and a dogy and a mat and a Bare and a Bike and a Baby GReL and a taBLitk and a Fake GLass. mary Christmacs Santa



Danica Valentine, 7

A second-grader at Braden River Elementary School





Lailah Aljukic, a second-grader at Braden River Elementary School
Lailah Aljukic, a second-grader at Braden River Elementary School

Dear Santa...

I whonder how do you go to evey house on the wobe Santa. how is Mrs. Claus and I like yrou suit and yrou hat. hey you koun what I whan Santa. Please May I have a ozo Bot. and May I have mroe time with My fiamy and I hope you have a good time

Love Lailah

Lailah Aljukic, 7

A second-grader at Braden River Elementary School


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