Longboat Key Cops Corner: Dogs and cats in all the wrong places

Police reports from around the island.

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  • | 8:40 a.m. June 19, 2019
  • Longboat Key
  • Cops Corner
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Too loud, too early

7:38 a.m., 400 block of North Shore Road

Noise: A dump truck dumping at a residence made enough noise, before established town work hours, to warrant a visit from a police officer. The caller did not want to meet with an officer. The truck driver was issued a verbal warning.

Not quite so dramatic

8:44 a.m., 500 block of Hibiscus Way

Public service: Police were advised of water running into the roadway from a fire hydrant. An officer arrived to find a dripping meters attached to a hydrant. No water was seen on the roadway.

After hours

11:12 p.m., 100 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Parking: Arriving to lock the gate to a town park at closing time, an officer spotted a car remaining in the parking lot. After a look-around to find the owner, the officer began writing a ticket, at which time the owner did appear. The ticket was voided, the owner was reminded of the park’s 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. hours and the gate locked for the night.



No one makes a call

12:53 a.m., 200 block of Sands Point Road

Abandoned 911: Police responded to a dropped 911 call but found nothing out of the ordinary. An officer who took the dispatch reported seeing the building’s main entrance under renovation but no emergency. The officer reported weather might have been connected to the phone-line malfunction.

All is well

1:19 a.m., 1900 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Abandoned 911: Police stopped at the gatehouse of a private neighborhood to report a dropped 911 call had been received from that location. Police theorized weather might have played a role in the phone-line malfunction. No emergency was noted.

That should do it

7:24 a.m., 1900 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Abandoned 911: Police again spoke to personnel at the gatehouse of a private community about dropped 911 calls. The employee said the fax machine has been connected with these incidents and would turn it off until a supervisor can look into the issue.

A little help

7:40 a.m., 6300 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Disabled vehicle: An officer on patrol stopped to talk with the driver of a vehicle parked on the side of the road with its hood up. The driver said the vehicle broke down and was waiting for a friend to arrive. The officer assisted the driver in moving the broken-down vehicle clear of the roadway.

Leaf it to me

8:15 a.m., 400 block of North Shore Road

Noise: The sound of a leaf blower on a Sunday morning drew the attention of a caller to the police. The officer arrived to tell the machine’s operator about the town’s restrictions on commercial noise on Sundays. The operator said he was finished and left.

In case it turns up

10:40 a.m., 4300 block of Exeter Drive

Lost property: A resident notified police of her lost cell phone in case it was found and turned in. The resident said the phone, in a wallet with a drivers license and now-cancelled credit card, likely fell out unnoticed during a walk on the beach. A subsequent backtrack of the walk was unsuccessful in finding it. The resident suspected it might have been washed into the Gulf of Mexico at high tide.

 JUNE 10

Just checking

1:07 p.m., 400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Suspicious person: Police were called to investigate a report of man sitting on a backpack in the corner of a commercial parking lot. The man told an officer he was homeless and was walking through town on his way to Bradenton. The man’s identity was checked through criminal-information databases with the all-clear given. He told the officer he was going to check into the availability of homeless shelters in Sarasota and Bradenton and walked off.

It doesn’t belong here

9:06 p.m., 400 block of North Shore Road

Suspicious vehicle: A resident called police about a vehicle parked in a private lot. Police found the truck unoccupied and checked on its ownership. Not long after, the officer was able to find the owner’s son fishing on the Longboat Pass bridge. The owner’s son was warned about parking on private property and moved it to another parking spot.

 JUNE 11

Not a police matter, until . . .

4 p.m., 2600 block of Harbourside Drive

Public service: The supervisor of a boat-docking facility called police to inquire about boats moored there with expired registrations. The officer said it was not a police matter until the boats in question left the private confines of the docks and moved into open water. A note on the conversation was passed to the Police Department’s marine unit.

On the road again

7:05 p.m., 1200 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Found property: A resident called police to report finding a cell phone on the side of the road in the 400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive. The man reported finding the phone, in a protected case, on the northbound shoulder. It was taken to police headquarters for safe keeping.


Yes and no

8:17 a.m., 600 block of Yardarm Lane

Abandoned 911: Police paid a visit to a resident following a dropped 911 call from a home. The man said he did call 911 but accidentally disconnected the call. He said he was calling about a truck and trailer parked at the end of his street. Police reported everything at the home was in order, and the truck and trailer were not in violation.





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