Celebrations packed in

At Christ Church of Longboat Key, a philanthropy group took time to celebrate themselves.

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  • | 10:02 a.m. August 6, 2020
Karen and Mike Gardiner, Duane and Karen Compton, Phyllis Moore and Kit Torchia
Karen and Mike Gardiner, Duane and Karen Compton, Phyllis Moore and Kit Torchia
  • Longboat Key
  • Neighbors
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It's obvious birthdays, anniversaries and friendly get-togethers are different this year amidst the coronavirus pandemic. So perhaps it makes sense to squash as many social and celebratory experiences as possible into one afternoon. 

The folks volunteering at Christ Church of Longboat Key's Hope Seeds packing events celebrated four birthdays and a wedding anniversary on Aug. 3 — all of which actually fell on a three-day span. Kit Torchia, Karen and Duane Compton and Phyllis Moore got their happy birthdays with friends, while Mike and Karen Gardiner celebrated 52 years together. 


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