Students gobble up donations in Lakewood Ranch

Primrose School at Lakewood Ranch Town Center and Lakewood Ranch North donate food items to Hungers End.

Hannah Marco and Sophia Gambrell. Photo by Liz Ramos.
Hannah Marco and Sophia Gambrell. Photo by Liz Ramos.
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Hannah Marco and Sophia Gambrell. Photo by Liz Ramos.
Hannah Marco and Sophia Gambrell. Photo by Liz Ramos.

Students gobble up donations

Students at Primrose School at Lakewood Ranch Town Center and Lakewood Ranch North spent time at home doing chores so they could earn money.

“I helped mommy cook and clean up the play room,” said kindergartner Hannah Marco (shown above).

The students then pooled their money together to purchase food to donate to Hungers End and decorated the boxes. Together, the schools donated at least 1,115 food items.


High on pies

Windsor Reflections Memory Care of Lakewood Ranch showed

Linda Doherty and Matt Halada. Photo by Liz Ramos.
Linda Doherty and Matt Halada. Photo by Liz Ramos.

appreciation for its neighbors during the holiday as Matt Halada, a chef and the dining services director, made 30 pies and give them away through a drive-thru event before Thanksgiving.

"It takes the stress off baking," Halada said. 

On top of people coming through the drive-thru to receive their apple or pumpkin pie, Sales Director Linda Doherty (shown above with Halada) made 10 deliveries to people who couldn't come to pick up their pies.


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