Are you struggling more than normal this Holiday Season? This has been a far from normal year, so don’t be afraid to cut yourself a little slack. As a result of Covid-19 wreaking havoc with our business, health and personal lives, we are not the same as we were last year at this time. It is important, however, for our collective mental and emotional health, that we find a way to accept this and find ways to celebrate despite our circumstances.
There will always be some situation in our lives that frustrates, confuses, or limits us. That is life in the fast lane. It is never about what happens to us, but how we handle that which happens to us that matters most.
There is something important about being in the moment with your feelings, but it is also helpful to take some positive steps to move beyond the negative feelings too. Here is my surefire, three-pronged approach to overcoming the Christmas Blues.
Have you ever thought about the things you are thankful for? The situations that have gone right? The wonderful people in your life now or in the past who have been there for you?
I highly recommend keeping a gratitude journal. You can create one daily, or you can keep an ongoing journal. Many times, we are quick to point out the bad in our life and we completely ignore the good. I encourage you to dig deep and find the many things you are thankful for.
It is possible that we will require the assistance of someone who can help us, whether it is a counselor, a life coach, a mediator, or even a close friend who can help us see what is really happening.
This year has a lot of people experiencing new financial challenges. Maybe you are low on funds and feel that you cannot offer your family the gifts you have in the past? Is it about the gifts or is it about the thought and the relationship?
There are many things you can do to celebrate without spending money. Use this time to create new memories and deepen relationships. Plan a picnic on the beach. Take your family to see the Christmas lights. Plan a group to go Christmas caroling in a neighborhood that needs some holiday cheer.
This time of year reminds me that there are many people who need a smile, a comforting word, or a hand doing something. If you are down and cannot seem to get yourself up, I suggest you consider doing something for someone else.
Drive through Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks and pay for the next person in line. Pay the toll for the person behind you. Give someone the parking spot you are about to take. Bring someone’s grocery cart back to the store for them. Carry someone’s groceries to their house for them. Tell your friend how much they mean to you. Make amends with someone you have injured in the past. Write a letter to someone you care about. Bring someone a flower. Give someone you love a manicure or pedicure. Make cookies for the neighbors you have not met yet. Step out of your comfort zone. You will be glad you did. There are so many ways you can show love and kindness that only cost a bit of thoughtfulness.
At Zollinger Mediation we provide mediation for any family issue, Marital Mediation, Eldercare Mediation, and Divorce Mediation. If you need help this holiday, start by going to our website to see how we have helped others and can help you too!
Freya Robbins
Florida Supreme Court Certified Mediator & Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
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