- November 14, 2024
Becks Barnett, a kindergartner at Gene Witt Elementary School, slowly walked down the hall to his classroom leaning on his cane for support.
Dressed in a long sleeve plaid shirt, suspenders and glasses, Barnett, who also dyed his hair gray, was one of dozens of kindergartners who seemed to turn 100 years old over night as they celebrated the 100th day of school.
Barnett's class did several activities revolving around the number 100 to mark their 100th day of school. They counted to 100 by fives and tens, made towers out of 100 small paper cups, wrote about what they would buy if they had $100 and more.
Barnett said if he had $100, he'd buy an Xbox.
"I like it, and you get to play games," Barnett said.