Longboat Key Cops Corner: Hello, is it me you're looking for?

Police reports from around Longboat Key.

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  • | 6:00 a.m. June 2, 2020
  • Longboat Key
  • Cops Corner
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May 23

Hello, is it me you’re looking for?

10:21 a.m., 6800 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Found property: As an officer was investigating a traffic incident, he was approached by a person who had found a smartphone on the beach and was seeking to turn it in. While in the possession of the officer, the phone rang and he answered it. The caller was the phone's owner, who said her son had inadvertently left it on the beach. Owner and phone were reunited.

Keep your distance

11:09 a.m., 100 block of Broadway Street

Public service: Police responded to a report of people violating social-distancing standards on the beach. Officers found small groups of people, properly spaced.

Time to go home

11:16 a.m.,  4000 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Dog on the beach: A caller informed police of a dog on the beach opposite a public-parking area. The officer informed the dog owner of town regulations prohibiting dogs on the beach, and the owner was also reminded of social-distancing guidelines on the beach.

No longer needed

12:10 p.m., police headquarters

Public service: A police officer on patrol was called to the station to help a citizen who wished to dispose of prescription medications. The officer took possession of the medications and dropped them in a collection box for proper destruction.

Wrong place to park

12:35 p.m., 500 block of Jessmyth Drive

Parking: A caller to police complained about a vehicle that was parked improperly in front of a resident’s home. A written warning was left on the windshield of the vehicle.

Over the line

12:40 p.m., 800 block of Broadway Street

Parking: A police officer on patrol spotted a vehicle parked improperly in front of a business. The vehicle’s rear wheels were over the marked spot for parking. A ticket was issued.

A swim too far

3:16 p.m., off the key near Jewfish Key

Public service: Three people aboard a boat flagged town an officer assigned to marine patrol. They said they had been swimming in the vicinity of their own boat but now couldn’t get back because of a strong current. They came aboard another boat for safety. The officer took them aboard and transported them to their own vessel.

Up on the roof

6:42 p.m., 1500 block of Harbor Cay Lane

Alarm: An activated alarm led an officer to discover an unsecured door on a building that led to the second-floor roof.  A key holder for the building was called and arrived to lock the door.

It’s private

9:05 p.m., 3400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Parking: Police told the management of a private community that vehicles parked in tenants’ reserved spots would have to towed because the department had no authority to issue parking tickets on private property.

Helping out

10:37 p.m., 6500 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Public service: A person flagged down a police officer on patrol, seeking a ride to the 4700 block to retrieve a vehicle with which to transport friends. The officer obliged.

May 24

Stuck on the beach

12:03 a.m., 3800 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Suspicious person: A caller told police about what looked like a kayak and a light on the beach. An officer encountered two men and two women who said their kayak had become tangled in possibly a crab trap and they were trying to unsnag it.  The men said they would pack up and leave the beach.

Not tied

7:37 a.m., 700 block of Linley Street

Suspicious circumstance: Police were called to look into a report of a boat tied to a mangrove tree near the Linley Street boat ramp. An officer determined the boat was properly anchored near the mangroves but not tied to one. The officer sought to reconnect with the caller to say there was no violation but was unable to directly reach the caller.

Not beached

10:42 a.m., Greer Island

Suspicious circumstance: An officer on marine patrol duty was summoned to Greer Island on a report of boats beached, a violation of executive orders connected to COVID-19. The officers found the boats anchored, not beached, which is not a violation of executive orders.

Connection made

4:33 p.m., 5800 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Dog on the beach: An officer called to the beach regarding a report of a dog encountered a couple with a dog leaving the beach. The officer informed the couple of the town regulations prohibiting dogs on the beach. The officer reconnected with the caller, who confirmed the dog-walking couple  were the ones reported.

Fishing for a ticket

10:59 p.m. 100 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Parking: A police officer spotted a vehicle parked just outside of  a park that was closed and had No Parking signs posted nearby. The vehicle was ticketed.

May 25

Delivering a warning

9:31 a.m., 5800 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Parking: A delivery truck parked in the southbound bicycle lane drew the attention of an officer, who stopped to investigate. The driver immediately secured the truck after delivering one batch of materials and left. The officer, who issued a verbal warning, helped warn motorists and others with the flashing emergency lights of his cruiser.

I’ll take that

9:30 p.m., 1200 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Traffic: The town’s license-plate recognition system flagged a vehicle owned by the holder of a suspended drivers license. The vehicle was stopped, and the drivers’ license was confiscated, and the driver was ticketed. A passenger took over driving.


9:36 p.m., 100 block of North Shore Road

Lost property: A woman approached foot-patrol officer to ask if anyone had turned in a black purse. She said she had been at the beach at sunset and ridden a bicycle home when she realized her purse was missing. A canvass of the area turned up nothing.  The woman was given a case number. She said she would return in the morning to retrace her steps and see if the purse could be found.

May 28

My bad

11:52 a.m., 500 block of Yawl Lane

Alarm: In responding to an activated home alarm, police learned that a worker at the home entered the garage to plug in a power cord, setting off the system.  The worker called his supervisor, who provided the code to shut off the alarm.

No harm done

1:39 a.m., 1000 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive

Suspicious person: Through a community security guard, a  resident reported suspicious people on the beach, possibly interfering with turtle nesting.  A police officer sent to investigate spoke with the people, who said they had simply been walking and talking. The officer, who reported no sign of turtle nest damage, explained to them the beach closed at 11 p.m. They apologized and left.

In their element

3:15 p.m., 2600 Gulf of Mexico Drive

Animal call: A caller to police was concerned about manatees in the surf along the beach. An officer said the manatees did not appear in distress and the beach appeared safe.

Stuck in an elevator

4:20 p.m., 500 block of Edlee Lane

Rescue: Police and fire-rescue personnel responded an occupied stuck elevator. Police remained on the scene until released by fire-rescue.

Nice view, no parking

7:52 p.m., 100 block of North Shore Road

Parking: Police encountered a vehicle parked at the western-most end of North Shore Drive, where parking is prohibited and no parking signs make that clear. The vehicle was ticketed.


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