Longboat church cancels services

Christ Church of Longboat Key directs members to watch live streaming version until further notice.

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  • | 3:00 p.m. March 12, 2020
  • Longboat Key
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Christ Church of Longboat Key told its members this week that services in the building at 6400 Gulf of Mexico Drive have been canceled until further notice but that a streaming broadcast can be seen live each Sunday.

Beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday, weekly services can be viewed at  www.bit.ly/cclbksermons or by following the YouTube link at christchurchlbk.org. An archive of past services with Pastor Norman Pritchard is also available.

Other precautions taking place on Longboat Key

Cancelled and rescheduled events around the area

“We have taken this decision with great reluctance because worship is at the heart of our life together as Christians, but elders believe that it is the responsible decision,’’ the email read.  “We prefer to be to be cautious with the health of the congregation, and not encourage people to take unnecessary risks. “

Pritchard will be in the church office Monday and Tuesday mornings, and in the church on Sunday mornings, but the church will otherwise be closed and activities suspended.

The email encourages members to mail in their weekly support offerings.



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