Longboat Key moms recall fond memories of Mother's Day

Even if Mother's Day isn't always perfect, moms agree that any day spent with their children feels like a special day.

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  • | 6:00 a.m. May 6, 2020
Nancy Rozance's daughter created a collage for her mother.
Nancy Rozance's daughter created a collage for her mother.
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Hopefully, mothers feel special every day, but we take a day a year to make sure they really do know just how special they are. 

On this Mother's Day, it may be difficult to actually see your children or mothers. A few moms from Longboat Key reminisce on their favorite memories of motherhood and their special day. 

Kerri Brooks

One more recent memorable Mother’s Day I have is when I had my foot in a cast from a work injury.  My son wanted to make sure he got me the exact Bed Bath & Beyond lotions and body sprays that I liked so he asked me to go with him to Ellenton.  I remember it well because he thought it was in one location so we walked and walked and walked (now let me remind you that I had a cast on and was on crutches).  Well, as you can guess he was wrong so we had to turn around and walk another mile. I remember how tired and in pain I was from walking so far but he was so sweet to want to do this for me so I drove on. Another one was when he was in elementary school and he made me this heart shaped Mother’s Day card.  He was so proud of it.  I still have it to this day. I am blessed and proud to be the mother of a wonderful son.  Every day is Mother’s Day when you are blessed with a child.

Nancy Rozance

Rozance found one of her favorite homemade Mother’s Day cards from her daughter Jacqueline, who is now a mother herself. 

Nancy Rozance's daughter Jacqueline made a card.
Nancy Rozance's daughter Jacqueline made a card.

“She wrote this when she was 12 years old and you can see from the collage what was her ‘female concern’ at the time,” Rozance said.

They still exchange cards, though not homemade. As Jacqueline’s children, who are 1 and 3 years old, get older, Rozance hopes they can restart the homemade tradition. 

Debby McClung

This will be a sad Mother’s Day for me since my mom died in January. But my son may drive over from Miami which will take away some of the grief. My Mother’s Day story is a silly one. Max travels all over the world for work and rarely remembers to send cards. I almost always get a call but not cards. One year a card came in the mail without my name on it.... it simply read “To The Greatest Mom In The World” and my address. The postman must have chuckled. THAT was the best Mother’s Day I’ve ever had! It’s the little things when you expect nothing.

Debby McClung and son Max.
Debby McClung and son Max.

Tina Adams

Every day is truly Mother’s Day.  I could be having a stressful day or not such a great day, but as soon as I see my boys, everything melts away and an instant smile comes to my face.  One Mother’s Day that sticks in my head is from last year.  My husband left it up to our three boys to come up with something special for me. First thing in the morning, I was given a very large handmade Mother’s Day card that brought me to tears followed by a delicious homemade breakfast.  Handmade gifts and time with my boys are the best gifts I could ever receive.

Tina Adams fondly remembers this homemade card from her sons.
Tina Adams fondly remembers this homemade card from her sons.

Mary Lou Johnson 

I’ve been trying to think of a particularly special one but if I can be with mine, that in itself is over-the-top perfect for me. We’ve only had to miss a few but all the rest are beautiful memories.

Mary Lou Johnson reads to granddaughter Lucy. Reading to her daughters was one of her favorite activities with her daughters and now she gets to do it with all four grandchildren.
Mary Lou Johnson reads to granddaughter Lucy. Reading to her daughters was one of her favorite activities with her daughters and now she gets to do it with all four grandchildren.

Alice Blueglass 

Nothing particular happens on Mother’s Day, but when my son had his first class trip as a science teacher he took the class on a whale watch, and what I particularly remember about that is he asked me to come along as a chaperone and help him with his first trip. I was totally blown away by the fact that he would even think about having his mother be there. He was probably sorry because I got seasick. I also remember when my daughter was in college and I was starting as a principal, and she said, “Mom, who would ever want your job?” Fast-forward 15 years of more and guess what — she’s a principal. 


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