Dating in a Pandemic

What's dating like during a pandemic? Our resident reporter has thoughts on the matter.

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  • | 11:57 a.m. October 20, 2020
NOTE: Social Distancing Guidelines have been fudged here due to the fact cardboard cutouts cannot catch a deadly pathogen.
NOTE: Social Distancing Guidelines have been fudged here due to the fact cardboard cutouts cannot catch a deadly pathogen.
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Finding love is hard on a good day. The problem right now is we haven’t had too many good days in the ongoing car crash that is 2020. There are hardships and inconveniences we’ve learned to manage with the pandemic, and dating people is a particularly tricky one. Meeting up with someone is different when it can potentially kill you (or others); it really adds a spice to a first date. 

There are ways around that danger. As we’ve adapted to basically everything this year, so too have we found new ways to make new connections. Here’s just a few date ideas you can try out with a special someone if you’re feeling bold.

Virtual Webcam Date

Virtual cooking dates are a great way to admire someone from very, very far away.
Virtual cooking dates are a great way to admire someone from very, very far away.

This is a staple of long-distance relationships and is now pretty popular in our disconnected area. What’s the fun in a simple phone call when you can also show your whole face to your date for long periods of time? There’s all sorts of fun activities you can do together, like watching a movie, or cooking a new dish, or synchronizing your nervous breakdowns. It’s not quite the same as being in person, but you should be used to that by now. 

Car Date

Car dates are a fun way to learn about  someone and also feel a deep longing to touch and feel someone, yet you cannot.
Car dates are a fun way to learn about someone and also feel a deep longing to touch and feel someone, yet you cannot.

I haven’t gotten around to this one but I know people who have. First dates are usually eating and talking anyway, so why not avoid the germ spray altogether by sitting in your respective cars and talking over food? Sure it’s weird, but everything is weird right now and isn’t it better to embrace it? Have a first date that makes you feel like a fugitive on the run from the law.

Picnic Date

NOTE: Social Distancing Guidelines have been fudged here due to the fact cardboard cutouts cannot catch a deadly pathogen.
NOTE: Social Distancing Guidelines have been fudged here due to the fact cardboard cutouts cannot catch a deadly pathogen.

One of the upsides to living through the collapse of a failing empire is that we're in Florida, and Florida is still pretty nice. You can throw a stone in any direction and hit some beautiful natural vista, and those can be great for picnic dates. Find a good spot, get a big blanket and food, and sit down with your person with some healthy distance in between, which is how the Lord likes it. 

WW2 Reenactment Date

Why not lean into the mania and roleplay as a Southern couple torn apart by World War 2, writing letters to one another as a salve for your pained hearts?

Think of your lazy summer afternoons spent with your darling Clementine, sipping mint juleps as you watch the red maple trees dance to the wind. You write as you march toward Fritz's  forces in Aachen, and you fear the hour of battle grows near. If only you could see your beloved’s smile one last time, and live to see your son Orville become a man.

Or you can just watch Band of Brothers online, it's a pretty good show. 

Get Married

NOTE: Social Distancing Guidelines have been fudged here due to the fact cardboard cutouts cannot catch a deadly pathogen.
NOTE: Social Distancing Guidelines have been fudged here due to the fact cardboard cutouts cannot catch a deadly pathogen.

Why not just get married? Every Tom, Dick and Sally seem to be taking this apocalyptic season to tie the knot and start a brand new life together. Might as well join the party.

On the one hand, can’t totally blame someone for seizing the moment, for each feels like it could be our last. On the other hand, it’s probably got to suck if your special day becomes the epicenter of the fourth wave. Live fast, die young indeed.




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