It’s no secret that Heidi Kocur’s loyalty to SunCoast Blood Centers (SCBC), and the motivation behind her countless blood donations to help the community, runs deep. Her late husband William “Billy” Kocur, a battalion chief who bravely served the Sarasota County Fire Department for 25 years, died in a motorcycle accident back in 2017. Heidi, following the tragedy that shook her family, knows the importance of a blood donation – for someone in dire need, it’s the gift of life.
And Heidi is just steps away from her home when donating blood products. SunCoast Blood Centers offers a Concierge Donor Program – a completely unique service not found among other blood banks – in which a mini-vehicle drives to your home or office for one-on-one interaction inside the bus scheduled by an appointment. Donors receive the safety and comfort of being parked in their driveway, in case of an emergency, while garnering the full attention and focus of their phlebotomist for a better experience.
The Concierge Donor Program, which actively seeks whole blood and double red blood cell contributions, expedites donors through the giving process compared to large blood mobile buses and fixed sites with wait lines as well. SunCoast Blood Centers collects, on average, six pints per day and roughly 100 monthly through the service. The Concierge Donor Program, stretching Sept. 1 to March 31, even received 644 pints of whole blood, convalescent plasma and double red blood cell donations.
That service, which is currently available four days a week, has certainly been convenient for Heidi and similar donors. The program has even offered a safe way to give blood, away from crowds, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. And SunCoast Blood Centers plans to expand it further with service Monday through Saturday, previously limited because of staffing, and two to three small buses out in your neighborhood daily.
Join donors, like Heidi, and grant the gift of life to someone through SunCoast Blood Centers – and we’ll come to you.
To schedule your appointment today and have a mini-bus park in your front yard, call 844-972-6819 or email home@suncoastblood.org.