Meals On Wheels of Sarasota delivers nutritious meals and friendship to individuals who are unable to plan, shop, or prepare meals for themselves. When other agencies say “we can’t do more to help,” Meals On Wheels of Sarasota says YES.
We say YES to veterans. YES to pregnant women and new moms. YES to the mentally impaired, seniors and families in need throughout our community. We say YES, we will provide you with healthy meals, boxes of essential supplies, fresh fruits and vegetables, and more. Even in the grip of a pandemic, we find a way to make a difference… because of you.
We’ve never seen a need like this…
You Can Help By Donating.
With no federal funding and our nonprofit charging members $6 per meal, Meals On Wheels of Sarasota depends on the generous support of our community to help “keep the wheels turning.”
Please donate today at mealsonwheelsofsarasota.org.
You Can Help By Volunteering.
Meals On Wheels of Sarasota drivers don’t just provide food. During drop-off, they also check the safety and cleanliness of clients’ homes and provide a point of human contact for people who may be isolated, a pressing need in the new era of social distancing.
To become a volunteer, visit mealsonwheelsofsarasota.org.
421 North Lime Avenue | Sarasota, FL 34237
941.366.6693 | MealsOnWheelsOfSarasota.org.