- March 16, 2025
Sarasota Memorial Hospital is planning a COVID-19 vaccination event this weekend for at least 3,000 people aged 65 and older, drawing from its stock of Moderna vaccines.
Hospital staff will administer the vaccines by appointment only on Saturday and Sunday at the SMH Auditorium. Registration was scheduled to open at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 6 through the scheduling website at eventbrite.com/o/florida-department-of-health-sarasota-32135779751
Those with appointments set through the Eventbrite site should bring with them their registration ticket or a screenshot, a valid form of identification and completed Department of Health “Covid-19 Vaccine Screening and Consent Form” to the hospital auditorium on the first floor. Anyone not able to print a ticket (reservation) may display it to staff on their cell phone.
Reserved parking will be available in the hospital’s Waldemere Garage. Public Safety personnel will confirm your registration and help direct you to a designated parking space in the garage. Those getting a vaccine should wear a sleeveless top or shirt with loose-fitting sleeves to give nurses access to your upper arm/shoulder.
“We have led efforts to fight COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic. Now, it’s a great privilege to play a leading role in distributing the vaccine and helping our federal, state and community partners protect this vulnerable population and defeat COVID-19,” said David Verinder, president and CEO of Sarasota Memorial Health Care System
For information, visit sarasotahealth.org or smh.com/vaccine.