Friends of the Braden River Library donates $61,000 for carpeting

Replacing the carpet, which is over a decade old, is part of the library's ongoing renovation.

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  • | 10:00 a.m. June 16, 2021
Judy Mullen. Photo by Brendan Lavell.
Judy Mullen. Photo by Brendan Lavell.
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Friends of the Braden River Library President Judy Mullen knew her organization would be counted on to support the library's renovation. That support took the form of a $61,000 donation for new carpeting.

"We didn't know what they needed help with, but we were ready," Mullen said.

Replacement of the carpet, which is over 10 years old, will be one of the renovation's final tasks. After deep cleaning the entire library and replacing the ventilation, putting down new carpet will ensure the improved library is as sanitary as possible.

Mark Storms and Roger Miller. Photo by Liz Ramos.
Mark Storms and Roger Miller. Photo by Liz Ramos.

Coming up empty

Lakewood Ranch's Mark Storms (left) and Sarasota's Roger Miller grabbed their fishing gear, got in their boat and set out into Trophy Lake along Lakewood Ranch Boulevard June 11. 

After a few hours of trying to catch fish, the lifetime fishermen came up empty. 

"We thought there would be some big fish, but it was a quiet day," Storms said.


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