- January 15, 2025
Rented car, owned warning
9:14 p.m., 5200 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Traffic: The driver of a rented vehicle was issued a written warning after a police officer reported seeing the vehicle driving after dark with no rear lights illuminated. The driver of the vehicle said he did not realize they were not on. A routine check of wants and warrants came back negative.
Look at the time
2:23 a.m., 4700 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Noise: Police went to a home to follow up on a report of loud music and voices. An officer spoke to the family in the home and asked they turn down the music and speak in lower tones. The family apologized and complied with the officer’s request.
Help is on the way
12:46 p.m., off the island
Boating call: The town’s marine-patrol officer spotted a sailboat that appeared disabled and asked if help was needed. The captain of the vessel said that a commercial tow service was en route and the boat’s anchor, which had been dragging as the boat approached shallow water, was now holding fast.
Namaste, just not here
1:07 p.m., 100 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Citizen assist: Police spoke to a yoga instructor at a town park about the rules governing businesses operating on beaches and in parks. The instructor said she had cleared it with a state agency, though the officer said local rules apply. She said she was not aware of the rules and would pack up and leave. She was provided a list of contacts with the town.
Live and loud
7:22 p.m., 4700 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Noise complaint: An officer spoke to an on-call manager of a resort about a live band playing on the property and disturbing neighbors. The manager said she would speak to the band and ask for lower volume.
Dog on deck
3:40 p.m., 100 block of North Shore Road
Dog complaint: A complaint about a dog on the beach without a leash sounded to a marine-patrol officer a lot like an encounter he had 20 minutes earlier on the same stretch of beach. The officer spoke again to the dog owner, who returned the pet to his boat.
Pool party
4:27 p.m., 5500 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Noise: An officer spoke to a group of people in a resort pool area about a noise complaint. Though their music was not considered extreme, the officer asked them to be quieter, and they agreed.
Case clothed
3:46 p.m., 500 block of Bay Isles Road
Suspicious person: Acting on a report of a person changing clothing in a parking lot, police spoke to a couple in a car from out of town. One of them conceded they had changed clothes in the back seat of their small sedan. No criminal wants or warrants were found.
Not really public
2:14 p.m., 500 block of Bay Isles Road
Citizen dispute: Police spoke with a film crew shooting a parody of tennis accolades at the town’s Public Tennis Center. The leader of the film crew said he assumed the property was public. A representative of the tennis center responded to the film crew that a membership or payment was required to access the courts.
Not really private
2:19 p.m., 5100 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Citizen assist: Police went to a condominium community to investigate a report of trespassing beachgoers. The officer spotted numerous people on the beach, but none of them on private property. The officer reconnected with the caller about his findings.
One way oar the other
7:58 p.m., 700 block of Lands End Drive
Boating call: An officer spoke to the owner of a boat that had been tied off to a property owner’s private dock. Concern by the caller the vessel was in trouble was unfounded, but the caller was concerned about darkness and storms approaching. The boater was instructed to paddle to the Linley Street boat ramp, from where he could retrieve his car and trailer.
Traveling on
5:25 p.m., 2800 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Found property: A pair of suitcases in poor condition were found along the side of the road. The luggage was empty, and no one was home at the property adjacent to the discovery. No identification tags or marks lent a clue to their ownership, so an officer brought them back to police headquarters for safe keeping.