Sarasota Athlete of the Week: Jordyn Byrd

The Cardinal Mooney volleyball player led her team to a win against rival Riverview High.

Jordyn Byrd.
Jordyn Byrd.
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Jordyn Byrd is a junior volleyball player at Cardinal Mooney High. She had 20 kills, eight digs and three blocks in the Cougars' 3-0 win against rival Riverview High on Tuesday. 

When did you start playing volleyball?

I've played since seventh grade. My mom (Angie Byrd) has been a volleyball coach forever so she wanted me to play. Honestly, I told her once that I would never play, but here we are now. 

What is your best skill?

These days it's my attacking, with blocking being a close second. I've been improving my attacking, though. I'm starting to rack up more kills, which makes me feel good. I know I'm helping my team when that happens. 

What was the team's key to success against Riverview?

I think we were great overall. Everyone was connecting. We didn't make many (unforced) errors. From passing to setting to hitting, it was all working. 

How confident are you about the team's outlook?

We're definitely confident. We started clicking at the end of the preseason. It felt like we were a cohesive team, which hasn't happened in a while. I think this team is going to make it far (in the playoffs). 

How different is Coach (Chad) Davis from Coach (Chad) Sutton?

Coach Davis is a little more strict than Coach Sutton, but we like that. It helps push us to be the best team we can. We feel like we always have to perform at the highest level, which will help us get to where we want to be. 

What is your favorite volleyball memory?

It still has to be the (2019) state championship game. Some people doubted us in the middle of that season. We doubted ourselves, even, but we rebounded from that. Then that last game … it was definitely the best game of my career. 

What is the best TV show you've seen recently?

Season three of "All-American" is really good. 

Which superpower would you pick?

I want to read people's minds. Sometimes reading people's facial expressions can be tough. If I could just know what they're thinking I would not have to do that anymore. 

What's the best advice you have received?

Keep pushing and never give up. 

Finish this sentence: "Jordyn Byrd is … "

… A beast. 





Ryan Kohn

Ryan Kohn is the sports editor for Sarasota and East County and a Missouri School of Journalism graduate. He was born and raised in Olney, Maryland. His biggest inspirations are Wright Thompson and Alex Ovechkin. His strongest belief is that mint chip ice cream is unbeatable.

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