- March 6, 2025
6:29 a.m., 1000 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Traffic hazard: A reckless driver unable to remain in a single lane was reported to police, with the caller advising police from immediately behind. Before an officer could respond to the southbound driver, the caller said they had passed out of the town limits. Sarasota Police officers said they were unable to find the reported vehicle.
2:56 p.m., 5300 block of Sandhamn Place
Fire-rescue assist: Land-based police and fire units, along with a town fire-rescue boat, were sent to assist a pontoon boat with several passengers in Sarasota Bay. A police officer learned from fire-rescue personnel that a town boat was already assisting with help from a Sarasota Police marine unit.
7:15 p.m., 6300 block of Gulfside Road
Animal complaint: A caller to police relayed word that two poodles had followed her from a nearby address, but the dogs did not have identifying tags. The caller leashed the dogs to keep them from running off and said she would bring them to a Manatee County animal shelter. About 40 minutes later, police heard from a resident who reported her two poodles had run off. Police connected the dog with the their finder, who had not yet left for the animal shelter.
10 p.m., 500 block of Companion Way
Suspicious vehicle: An away-from-home resident called police after receiving word from a neighbor than an unidentified sports-utility vehicle was parked on resident’s driveway. No one was supposed to be parked on the property. When police arrived, the SUV was gone. No color or make of vehicle had been passed along to the resident, and police found no SUVs of any sort nearby.
7:30 p.m., 5700 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Suspicious incident: While returning to her apartment unit, a resident called police after hearing a noise similar to her bedroom door being tampered with. Strong winds were blowing from a nearby storm when an officer arrived. He checked doors for signs of forced entry and found none.
11:40 a.m., 2800 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Dog on the beach: A caller who did not wish to be identified referred police to the beach, where a small puppy was accompanying a group of people. The officer advised the people about the town rules prohibiting dogs on the beach and delivered a verbal warning.
2:44 p.m., 2100 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Fire-rescue assist: Police and fire-rescue units responded to an alarm call triggered by a work crew that cut a fire-sprinkler line. Fire-rescue personnel closed off the water supply to the broken area.
5:31 p.m., 3200 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Animal complaint: A police officer assisted workers from Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium in recovering a dead sea turtle found on the beach.
10:59 a.m., 6600 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Fire-rescue assist: Police responded along with fire-rescue personnel on a report of downed utility lines. What they found was a partially buried cable, which posed no risk of electrical injury.
7:47 a.m., 4200 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive
Traffic: The driver of a company owned truck was issued a written warning for its passenger-side headlight, which was out. The driver said he was not aware of the problem. An officer asked the driver to make sure his supervisor knew about the problem.
Abandoned vehicle: A vehicle left for more 24 hours in the grass drew the attention of a caller to police. An officer determined the vehicle was part of a construction project to move overhead utility lines underground and was parked properly off the roadway.
12:14 p.m., police headquarters
Found property: An out of town visitor arrived at the police department with a drivers license which she said was found “on the beach, near Benihana.“ A police department employee deduced that the visitor, who was pointing north, meant she found the license near a landmark oceanfront property with a Polynesian-sounding name, not near a famed Japanese steakhouse location. The police department employee sent word to the license’s owner that the document was behind held for safe-keeping at the police department.