Sarasota City Commission, At Large: Sheldon Rich

Meet the candidate.

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  • | 10:15 a.m. August 9, 2022
  • Sarasota
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Why should people vote for you?

I believe that the City Commission needs a new perspective and direction. For the most part, I do not think that citizen input has been welcomed in commission decisions. I plan to change that and listen to what the citizens want and desire. I have a history of civic involvement, from being President of two large HOA’s, being the longest running chairperson of the Michigan Board of Pharmacy, being Vice-Chair of the Sarasota Police Complaint Committee and I am the only candidate that is endorsed by the Sarasota Police Officers Association. I am also a pharmacist and hold a doctorate in business ethics which will allow me to remain free of undue influence in any decisions that I make as a City Commissioner.


What was the tipping point in your deciding to run for this office?

I have spoken in front of the City Commission numerous times and did not believe that my voice was being heard. It seemed that many decisions were already decided and hearing from the public was a formality. I found this unacceptable and decided to run.


Discuss what goals you have for your term in office.

First off, we must resolve the contract negotiations with the police union. At present, we are losing seasoned officers and unable to hire the best recruits possible. I would like to see implementation of inclusionary zoning and a reworked comprehensive plan that would be palatable to the residents. I would look to gain historical designation for the Van Wezel which would than allow retrofitting to protect it from sea level rise and spend dollars to renovate it which would be far less costly than building a new performing arts center. I would like to see us accelerate the City’s green initiatives and improve traffic concerns which are growing more difficult with each new development.


Was there a decision made by the current board that you would have changed if given the chance?

Two recent decisions come to mind that I would not have approved. The first is the comprehensive plan changes that provided developers with density bonuses without the city getting anything in return. I also was opposed to the increase in administrative approval which would remove the citizens voice in developmental decisions. I do not believe that the comprehensive plan as sent to the state for approval will result in any affordable or attainable housing being built which was the premise for submitting the changes. The other decision was the City Commission committing to a partnership to build a new performing arts center without knowing what the cost would be (estimated at $350 million) and no discussion of how to fund it.


What kind of city should Sarasota be?

We need to get back to the things that brough most of us to Sarasota. A safe, viable, livable city. We need to protect those things that we hold dear and cherish; our character, clean beaches, public safety, etc. We need to gather more citizen input into development decisions. And we must find a way to build more affordable housing.


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