- March 28, 2025
The controversy over the proposed One Park development in The Quay has quickly escalated from a battle over a change in the general development agreement into a criminal investigation.
On Wednesday, Planning Board members and a full house of speakers had planned to continue the legislative public hearing that began at the March 8 meeting. The board was scheduled to make its recommendation for approval or denial of the amendment to the City Commission, one that would allow One Park developer Quay 1 and 9 to proceed to site plan approval on a building that would span over Quay Commons with a breezeway above the street at a height of up to 22 feet.
Quay 1 and 9 is a partnership of Miami-based Property Markets Group and JEBCO Ventures of Sarasota.
Deputy City Attorney Michael Connelly, however, told the board that the hearing has been canceled, pending the outcome of an investigation over a contact between what he described as a partner in One Park and Planning Board member Michael Halflants, an architect.
Property Markets Group Founder and CEO Kevin Maloney told the Observer that a minor investor in One Park via JEBCO Ventures several weeks ago sought services of several architect firms for an unrelated project, including Halflants + Pichette, which did not win the contract. Maloney said neither Quay 1 and 9 partner was involved, and called the characterization of an ongoing investigation “a joke.”
“It’s a police report, nothing more than that,” Maloney said. “‘The Planning Board is just an advisory group. If you’re going to bribe someone you’d bribe a president or something," he added jokingly.
Last Thursday, Connelly said City Manager Marlon Brown was brought into the loop via email, who then forwarded the email to city commissioners. Then on Monday, Brown turned the matter over to SPD.
“As of right now, as we sit here today, there is an open, active, ongoing criminal investigation,” Connelly said. “As a result of that, late yesterday afternoon, the city manager and the deputy city manager made the determination that the Quay 1 and 9 development application public hearing will not occur until that investigation is completed.”
Whether the SPD continues the investigation or outsources it to a third-party agency, Connelly said, had yet to be determined. He cautioned Planning Board members that they can expect to be interviewed by investigators regarding any communications they may have had with the developer.
Although all hearings regarding One Park have been suspended indefinitely, the project still had as pending case before the 12th Judicial Circuit Court over whether the air rights above Quay Commons can be transferred to One Park from the general developer of The Quay, GreenPointe Developers of Jacksonville. The air rights transfer is being challenged by residents of the Ritz-Carlton Residences.