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The Chiropractic and Holistic Care You've Been Looking For

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  • | 12:00 a.m. January 2, 2023
  • East County
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Do you spend more time in the waiting room when visiting a medical professional than you do with the medical professional themselves?  With my past medical encounters, the patient/doctor experience is treated more like a speed round versus an actual session to hear and understand their concerns.  Patient connection and engagement, an important part of the medical healing and helping process, seems to be a thing of the past for many who are in need of medical help.

Here at Phase 1 Chiropractic, we strive to provide each patient with a unique and fulfilling experience. It is our mission to ensure exceptional chiropractic care integrated through a non-invasive and educational approach to deliver long term success for everyone. We want every patient to be inspired to become more educated and active in their health care journey so they can enjoy their overall well- being.

Based on your current state and goals, we utilize a research-based approach to generate a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs to deliver you back to your ideal condition and well-being.

To stand apart from traditional chiropractic offices, multiple modalities are implemented to address the main condition at hand such as acupuncture with or without electrical stimulation, cupping, manual therapies, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, therapeutic exercises, and heat/cold therapy. These therapies, alongside chiropractic adjustments, ensure we address the entire system to provide the utmost care and an environment that promotes optimal healing.

Phase 1 Chiropractic’s mission is to put the patient and their concerns at the forefront of my practice. Each patient visit revolves around your needs. We focus on providing a welcoming and fulfilling environment. It all starts with the new patient visit which consists of an in-depth consultation, a detailed and thorough physical examination, x-ray images, if necessary, followed by a review of findings, creation of a personalized treatment plan, and initial treatment.

Our process may be elaborate, compared to others, but we believe that if you are seeking medical attention it is because you need our help and we work to  ensure that each patient will be heard and understood.   We strive to change the current stigma associated with medical visits by putting the patient back to the forefront by being the main priority.

For more information visit phase1chiropractic.com.


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