Mature trees available to homeowners through city assistance program

The tree buyer's assistance program helps Sarasota homeowners purchase and plant mature shade trees for as little as $100.

Silver Buttonwoods are among the tree species available.
Silver Buttonwoods are among the tree species available.
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Newly planted mature trees more quickly provide shade, wildlife shelter, help reduce stormwater runoff and other benefits than seedlings. That’s why the city of Sarasota is launching the third phase of its Mature Tree Program, which covers much of the cost of buying and planting trees for single-family homeowners.

Through the program, the city will fund up to $500 of the cost of adding an approved mature tree when a homeowner meets a $100 minimum deposit requirement. Depending upon the species, prices range from $545 to $725.

The program began with a citizens’ initiative in 2009.

“We were doing a tree giveaway with the Arbor Foundation. They came in the mail and they were very small, maybe one-foot-and-a-half trees that are basically pencils,” said Senior City Arborist Donald Ullom. “They really wanted something more robust, so this was a citizens initiative that went up to city manager and the City Commission. We have a limited budget every time we do it, but it’s to get a better tree and increase our canopy here in the city.”

That began in 2021 and has resulted in 100 trees planted with a 96% success rate. With a budget of $50,000, this phase will start with 25 trees, funded and planted on a first come, first served basis. In the fall, phase four will be announced with an additional 75 trees funded. Palm trees are not included.

The program is limited to one tree per residence per calendar year.

Program participants will purchase the tree through the city’s vendor, Tree Biotics, which will work with city staff to determine the best placement of the tree between the front plane of the house and right-of-way. In most cases, planting under utility lines will not be allowed. The homeowner will own the tree and be responsible for care and maintenance.

Workers plant trees during earlier phases of the city's Mature Tree Program.
Courtesy photo

The program is open to residences throughout the city, but Ullom said he would like particularly like to see participation from a particular neighborhood.

“I'd personally like to see more in the Rosemary District where we have a lack of trees because of the large amount of commercial development there,” he said. “But we've had a good response throughout the city so far for the program.”

At $545, a live oak would cost the resident the minimum of $100. A silver button wood, though, would cost the resident $322 including the $100 minimum and the balance beyond the city’s $500 contribution.

“The vendor does the planting and they'll also supply what's called a gator bag and staking if needed,” Ullom said. “The bag is just so that you have a watering system, and the vendor will go over that, depending on the type of bag, how to keep it replenished so that the soil stays moist in that area.”

Participants will contact the vendor to order the tree. The city will then pay its share and the tree will be delivered and installed.

Program details and frequently asked questions are available in the Mature Tree Program guidelines at



Andrew Warfield

Andrew Warfield is the Sarasota Observer city reporter. He is a four-decade veteran of print media. A Florida native, he has spent most of his career in the Carolinas as a writer and editor, nearly a decade as co-founder and editor of a community newspaper in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

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