- March 2, 2025
5:26 p.m., 2400 block of North Orange Avenue
Family dispute: A woman called police because she was having issues with her 14-year-old daughter. She complained that her adolescent child doesn’t listen to her and throws objects around inside the house. The complainant asked if the officer “could take her with me to make her leave.”
Instead, the officer provided the mother with outreach resources for youth behavioral assistance. In her defense, the child told the officer that her mother drinks heavily and starts arguments with her for no reason. She added the disputes, which occur frequently, are never physical and only verbal in nature.
7:49 p.m., 2200 block of Arlington Street
Dispute: Accusations of infidelity brought officers to settle a domestic matter that escalated into a verbal argument. The complainant called law enforcement because she was fearful for her safety after her husband asked for her phone to search for evidence of her cheating.
The wife advised her husband has been receiving phone calls from an unknown number asking him for money and saying that she is cheating on him. She said that her husband was angry that night and asked to go through her phone, and that she called 911 because she was scared. She added he made no threats and the incident was verbal only, and that they have been married for many years and he has never gotten physical with her.
Before leaving, officers said the couple appeared to have calmed down from the situation and were hugging as they departed.
1:18 p.m., 1000 block of South Osprey Avenue
Dispute: A complainant who had met another man on a dating website called law enforcement when the man he had invited to his home at 3 a.m. refused to leave when asked to do so. He could only identify the subject by a first name, which may or may not be authentic.
The complainant had a small laceration on his forehead, which he stated had occurred when the subject pushed him and he fell and hit his head on what he thought was a door. He said he did not wish to press charges for battery, but wanted the subject trespassed from the residence. Officers searched the home for the subject but were unable to locate him. The complainant was advised to lock his doors and call law enforcement if he returned.
11:16 p.m., 3800 block of Green Drive
Property damage: After a bottle was thrown at a window and shattered it, an apartment resident called police to have the incident documented for the property manager. No injuries were sustained and the complainant told an officer an unknown subject damaged the living room window of his residence.
The man said he could year what sounded like a party outside, during which the bottle was thrown, breaking the glass. The officer observed broken glass on the inside of the apartment and a beer bottle on the ground outside next to the window. The complainant said he did not wish to press charges.
1:44 p.m., 3700 block of Colorado Street
Civil disturbance: Two officers responded to a disturbance in which a firearm was brandished, but not used. The complainant said her neighbor, who regularly calls code enforcement on her regarding her property, was wearing a firearm on his waist during their latest confrontation.
The officers held the perimeter of the property with weapons drawn until the man exited his residence without his weapon. Other officers had responded to the scene until it was deemed safe. He told officers that when he returned from the grocery store the complainant was standing outside and yelling at him. He said he didn't understand what she was saying, and when he came back outside to retrieve more grocery bags he had his firearm in his waistband, further explaining he felt threatened because he is elderly and disabled.
Both parties attested that the weapon was never drawn.
Officers explained to both that this is a civil matter and no crimes were committed. They also offered the services of SPD’s community relations officers to try to resolve their issues in an amicable manner as it appears the feud has gone on for some time and has progressively escalated.