- March 26, 2025
Through no fault of its own, the city of Sarasota’s Purple Ribbon Committee is off to a slow start.
Its second meeting — an orientation tour of the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall — was canceled because of the then-approaching Hurricane Idalia. And at its third meeting on Sept. 13, the committee created to study potential reuse of the Van Wezel once the Sarasota Performing Arts Center is built, was scheduled to receive and discuss its scope of work.
The 13-page document was prepared by City Engineer Nik Patel, who was unable to attend the meeting after becoming ill, City Manager Marlon Brown told the committee. As a result, that discussion was tabled until its Nov. 9 meeting. In between, the tour was rescheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 27.
“This was put together by our city engineer with the help of some other departments,” Brown told the seven-member panel of the task outline. “Mr. Patel was supposed to be here this evening to respond to any questions that you have, but he has fallen ill. In terms of sequencing of things, we really wanted to have a tour of the Van Wezel before we had this conversation.”
As it turns out, that will be the sequence after all.
That scope of work includes a recommendation to select an engineering firm to provide a comprehensive report on the condition of the Van Wezel, recommended repairs and upgrades to the building and its resilience against extreme coastal weather events. The document lays out the request for the proposal process for making that selection.
With the 2021 Karins Engineering report already in hand, Charles Costler asked Brown why another study is needed.
“I couldn't help noticing the similarity between the Karins report and this RFP,” Cosler said. “Is this for a second opinion or a more in-depth analysis?”
“It is more in-depth than the Karins report,” Brown said adding that, unlike the Karins report, the study will take a deeper dive with a focus on repurposing rather than simply preserving.
The next two meetings of the committee will be held Nov. 7 and 29 at either the Grand Foyer in the Van Wezel or at City Hall. Both will begin at 5:30 p.m.
Here is a summary of the two-year task for the Purple Ribbon Committee:
Ensuring compliance with FEMA regulations because of the building’s location within a flood zone. The review of the building's condition and compliance with FEMA requirements will include:
Ensure the Van Wezel complies with the current Florida building code and city ordinances. This includes:
A thorough analysis of the building's structural integrity will be conducted and involves an evaluation of the physical integrity, which will be conducted in the following stages:
Develop a strategic plan for the regular care and preservation of the Van Wezel. This includes:
It is a priority to meet or exceed the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which mandates equal access for individuals with disabilities. This includes:
Perform a detailed energy audit to assess insulation properties, heating and cooling systems, lighting systems and water usage; and to develop recommendations to improve the sustainability of all systems.