Sarasota Athlete of the Week: Madie Muller

The Riverview High cross-country freshman won the Lemon Bay Invitational on Aug. 24.

Riverview High freshman cross country runner Madie Muller.
Riverview High freshman cross country runner Madie Muller.
Photo by Ryan Kohn
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Madie Muller is a freshman on the Riverview High girls cross-country team. Muller won the Lemon Bay Invitational (5K) on Aug. 24, finishing her first high school cross-country race in 19:12.70. 

When did you start competitive running?

I started in middle school, in sixth grade. I have played lacrosse since first grade and I have always been a midfielder, so I always loved to run. My family told me I had the endurance to run track, which I started in sixth grade, and I started cross-country in eighth grade. I joined a cross-country team in Tampa called The Bayshore Project. The coaches there are supportive and helped me get into running a few races. 

What is the appeal to you?

It is such an independent sport, which is different from lacrosse. You have to be strong mentally to do it. But after I run, my head feels clear. I feel like I can think better. It's just liberating. 

Do you prefer cross-country or track?

Cross-country. The terrain is always different and there is more of a community to it. Everyone knows how you have to train. In track, you have throwers and jumpers and sprinters, but in cross-country, everyone is running 3.1 miles. That's a big appeal to me. It feels like a family. 

What is your favorite running memory?

It is this past weekend (at the Lemon Bay Invitational). I had never run a high school cross-country race before. I did not expect to be out in front. I surprised myself with that. But my coaches and my family were confident in me. I just tried my best. Having everyone go crazy as I was finishing was so awesome. 

What are your expectations for the rest of the season?

I just want to keep getting better and help my team as much as I can. Every course is different, so I always have to be at my best. 

What is your favorite food?

I love Chick-fil-A. I get an eight-piece chicken nuggets meal with a Sunjoy. 

What is your favorite TV show?

I don't have one, honestly. I just watch whatever my sister (Emily Muller) puts on the TV. 

What are your hobbies?

I like to read. The "Harry Potter" series is my favorite series. When I can, I like to go to the beach and hang with my friends and family. 

What is your favorite school subject?

I like history classes, especially civics. I want to be a lawyer when I'm an adult. 

What is the best advice you have received?

Never get in your own head. It's a mental sport. You have to be tough. When your body says you can't do something, that's really your mind telling you that. You can push through it. 

Finish this sentence: "Madie Muller is …"




Ryan Kohn

Ryan Kohn is the sports editor for Sarasota and East County and a Missouri School of Journalism graduate. He was born and raised in Olney, Maryland. His biggest inspirations are Wright Thompson and Alex Ovechkin. His strongest belief is that mint chip ice cream is unbeatable.

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