East County Athlete of the Week: Andrew Scott

The Lakewood Ranch High boys soccer senior has 10 goals this season.

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  • | 3:00 p.m. January 23, 2024
Lakewood Ranch High boys soccer senior Andrew Scott.
Lakewood Ranch High boys soccer senior Andrew Scott.
Photo by Ryan Kohn
  • East County
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Andrew Scott is a senior on the Lakewood Ranch High boys soccer team. Scott leads the Mustangs with 10 goals and is tied for the team lead in points (24) alongside senior Robert Lloyd-Jones. The Mustangs are 10-7 but have won six of their last eight games as of Jan. 22. 

When did you start playing soccer?

I started when I was 4 years old. I've basically played my whole life, as far as I can remember. I was born in Oswego, Illinois. I played some other sports growing up, but when I joined a club team called Eclipse out there, that's when I started to love soccer the most. (Scott moved to Lakewood Ranch as a sophomore.)

What is the appeal to you?

Soccer helps me focus on myself. It makes me feel confident and gives me a sense of belonging. 

What is your best skill?

I have a high soccer IQ and good spatial awareness. I'm good at seeing the play I need to make. I can also take people one-on-one.

What have you been working to improve?

My finishing. It was not good last year. I only had two goals. It was a confidence thing. I just didn't have it last year. But I have had more success this year. 

What has sparked the team's strong second half?

We needed to find our team chemistry. (Early on) most of us were trying to play as individuals. It didn't work, but through that, we ended up becoming a real team. We just needed to gel. 

What is your favorite food?

That's tough. It depends on my mood. Right now I'd have to say Mongolian beef. 

What is your favorite movie?

"Hacksaw Ridge" is a good one. 

What is your favorite school subject?

I have to go with P.E. (Laughs.) 

What are your hobbies?

I'm usually hanging out with my family or friends or playing video games. I've been playing "Rocket League" lately. 

Which superpower would you pick?

I was trying to figure this out recently. It's a good question. I think I would want super speed or super quick reflexes, where time slows down for a few seconds. It would help with soccer, but it would also just be fun, going wherever and either messing with people or helping people. 

What is the best advice you have received?

No matter how many times you fall, you can get back up. That's what coaches would tell me in middle school when I was struggling. I didn't think I was that good, but people would say that to me and it kept me going. 

Finish this sentence: "Andrew Scott is …"

Up and down. Some days I can be super happy and excited, then something will happen to make me angry. But I always try to end the day happy. 


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