- February 20, 2025
What would the future of the city of Sarasota's transportation be if you had your wish?
At the Jan. 2 City Commission meeting, the city's transportation staff presented a wide range of projects in the form of the 2024 Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization draft transportation project priorities list, which included a transportation wish list of sorts for the city.
The MPO is the regional transportation planning entity for Sarasota and Manatee counties. Through interlocal agreements, it helps local governments coordinate with the Florida Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration.
Among the hundreds of funded, unfunded, and perhaps pie-in-the-sky projects on the city's and MPO's wish list were 10 priorities for the city’s Sarasota In Motion master plan, a package of local projects — although not scheduled — that have been identified by staff and endorsed by commissioners.
That plan was adopted by the City Commission in June 2020. Here are the top 10 priorities identified. The project horizon for the list is 2045.
There's no set time frame for these projects, although some like the Boulevard of the Arts and Shade Street complete streets are in planning phases. The majority of these 10 projects are just in discussion, but their potential impact once funded and approved would have the potential to transform how residents get around the city.
Project includes walking and biking connections throughout the city. Treatments may include off-road trails, protected bike lanes, wayfinding signage, sidewalk widening and implementation of multimodal connections plan.
Streetscape improvements on:
Potential treatments may include wider sidewalks, protected bike lanes, on-street parking, landscaping, decorative lighting, street furniture, ADA improvements, roundabouts, undergrounding of utilities and multi-use trails.
Shade Avenue from Fruitville Road to the south city limit. Potential improvements may include adding bike lanes, wider sidewalks, lighting, drainage, multi-use pathway, undergrounding of utilities and landscaping enhancements.
Transit circulators to connect:
Potential features may include trolleys or other large, medium or small vehicles; covered stations; transit vehicle priority; pedestrian crossings; pedestrian access; and multimodal/micromobility hubs at key destinations. Also provide high-frequency service with extended hours of operation.
Install a new roundabout at the intersection of Cocoanut Avenue and Second Street to improve vehicle flow and pedestrian safety. Potential improvements may include:
Fruitville Road from U.S. 41 to U.S. 301. Potential improvements may include:
Main Street from U.S. 41 to U.S. 301. Potential treatments may include:
From U.S. 41 to Washington Drive. State Road 789 corridor bridges enhanced with dedicated lanes for walking, biking and transit vehicles
From Waterfront to Orange Avenue, proposed improvements may include: