- January 15, 2025
About one mile of Gulf Drive in Bradenton Beach — from 6th Street South to 13th Street South — was recently repaved as the Bradenton Beach Sewer Improvements project nears completion.
The $7.1 million project, which began in January 2023, includes about a mile of 10-inch and 8-inch gravity main installation along Gulf Drive South and 21 manholes. The replacement addressed the aging sewer infrastructure and will improve the resiliency of the system, according to the project’s website.
The latest project update on June 21 stated that the new rectangular rapid flashing beacon crosswalks are expected to be activated in late July 2024. The next steps will include work on the side streets and restoring the parking area on the west side.
Completion of the project was slated for fall 2024, according to the project website.