- January 29, 2025
Age: 58
Current Occupation: Majority Owner of Design Company
Resident of Sarasota County: 45 years
Infrastructure countywide. We are in immediate need of fast tracking our ailing infrastructure and prioritizing record investments into traffic reducing projects within our current budget.
Public safety ties with infrastructure. We must always be on the cutting edge of fully funding and maintaining the highest and best technology and personnel for Sarasota County for all of our first responders (sheriff, firefighters and EMS).
The quality of life for our residents is why so many call Sarasota County home.
Taxes have a direct impact on the quality of life of every resident who calls Sarasota home. I will continually work to lower taxes wherever possible and seek areas for reduction that can be used for additional services that enhance the ability to keep Sarasota affordable.
Having graduated, married and raised a family in Sarasota County, I am deeply committed to ensuring a legacy we can all take pride in. I envision a community where our children and grandchildren can live, work and play safely, with access to agriculture, affordable housing, well-paying careers, vibrant arts, business opportunities, world-renowned schools and the chance to stay local.
My life’s work has been dedicated to giving back to this community, and the gratitude I’ve received is beyond measure. We need leadership that listens and makes decisive choices to benefit the entire county now and for future generations.
Yes, I ran for School Board and had the closest race ever against a 20-year incumbent. I was later unanimously appointed to Sarasota County Planning Commission and Citizen Tax Oversight Committee.
With more than 35 years of experience running a successful business and more than a decade of service in community outreach, business relations and economic development for Sarasota County, I have built strong, lasting relationships within our community.
My expertise includes managing budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars with a track record of financial responsibility. My work across the county on overlay districts, land and park preservation, public beaches and business support has reinforced the necessity for transparent, objective governance to effect swift and meaningful change.
Furthermore, having a woman on the board brings a unique and valuable perspective.
In contrast, my opponent's multiple business ventures have consistently failed within 18 months.
Affordable housing requires our continual and dedicated effort. It is crucial for Sarasota County to attract and retain a skilled workforce and to ensure that future generations can continue to call this area home.
I advocate for public-private partnerships to tackle this national crisis. Focusing on infill development near existing infrastructure and transportation hubs is the most effective strategy to create affordable housing solutions.
Zoning is a tool that is used to protect the quality of life and rights of all property owners and one that must be respected.
Growth is something that must be managed.
I strongly support keeping the country country and those neighborhoods with large lots that support the old Florida, agricultural lifestyle. There are some areas that should remain rural, and there shouldn’t be any zero-lot line development encroaching as their neighbors.
Agricultural communities are essential to Florida’s future, and I will protect those communities as well. I will fight for Florida’s wild and natural spaces as well.
Managing growth is through infill and limiting sprawl within the urban service boundaries around infrastructure that is already in place and readily available.
As stated earlier, infrastructure is my highest priority. We must have public/private partnerships to fast-track projects, such as the widening of our corridors countywide.
We must set aside a larger percentage of the annual budget to facilitate these projects and reduce spending in other areas to ensure that we are not raising taxes to accomplish this major task. We also must have a seat at the adult table with our state/federal representatives for significant funding to ensure that we are not left out of funding sources.
Impact fees are one of the largest taxing sources that the county has. We must ensure that those funds are being used at their best and highest return to the community. We must ensure that building projects, both residential and commercial, have the highest quality and in the best locations that will benefit the community as a whole while giving the best return on the investment.
The Environmentally Sensitive Lands Oversight Committee, established several years ago, aims to connect and preserve our wildlife habitats and green spaces. These ecological corridors are among Sarasota County’s many treasures, offering significant benefits to both residents and visitors. I am a staunch advocate for preservation and will continue to support and secure funding for these vital projects.
I am a strong advocate for the arts community and commend the progress made in the Bay Park improvements. However, I do not support imposing additional taxes on residents for this project. Instead, I envision a philanthropic capital campaign, to which I am willing to personally contribute, as a more effective way to fund these enhancements.
I would give the commission a B-, even though we have an incredible rating for our bonding and fiscal management. I personally would like to see a more conservative approach to how those tax dollars are being spent — more on infrastructure and less on building county facilities.
MORE on infrastructure along with public safety. I’m sure once I’m in office and have an opportunity to do a forensic dive into the budget, I will be able to see areas that could be reduced, if not eliminated.
We currently have one of the lowest millage rates in the entire state. However, I would be in favor of lowering the millage rate as long as it doesn’t inhibit infrastructure projects.
As my grandmother used to say, “Two things you can always count on: taxes and death.” As taxpayers, we expect the government to be responsible stewards of our tax dollars, ensuring they are used to enhance the safety and well-being of our community. We need leadership that consistently prioritizes the interests of taxpayers and scrutinizes how every dollar is spent. I advocate for maintaining the lowest possible taxes while delivering the highest quality of life for all residents.