Sarasota County School Board District 3: Gregory Wood

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  • | 6:00 p.m. July 19, 2024
Greg Wood
Greg Wood
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Age: 44

Current occupation: Realtor at Keller Williams on the Water Sarasota; co-founder of the non-profit Moms Incredible. Former executive director and head coach of Sarasota Scullers Youth Rowing Program. I also serve on the audit committee for the Republican Party of Sarasota County. 

Resident of Sarasota County: Five years

Describe, specifically, what you see as the primary role and functions of the school board?

School Board members are there to ensure that every child is receiving a world-class education and that Sarasota County schools are the best in the country. School Board members also have the important duty of overseeing taxpayer dollars and ensuring that funds are directed in a way that benefits students and teachers.

Why are you running for office?

I am the father of three young daughters, so I have skin in the game here. I want to make sure that my kids, your kids and grandkids have access to the best education in the world. 

I see so many frustrated parents who are fed up with what is happening in Florida and across the country, and I want to get our schools back to their core function: education, not politics. I know that while we have a good system for many, there are plenty of areas where we can do better.

Have you ever run for public office before? If so, for what office? 

I ran in 2022 for Sarasota County School Board. I had to withdraw due to a serious illness within my family. I filed and decided against running for County Commission in early 2023. My passion is and has been in education and helping people make a positive impact in their lives. 

Why are you more qualified than your opponents?

I have more than two decades of experience working with children, college students and executives, helping them find success and achieve their goals. My background is in building high performance teams and driving efficiency within organizations. As an executive director and business owner, one must forge great partnerships, advocate for your customers and create a vision of trust. When elected, I will focus on the job at hand, educating our children and improving our schools.

Do you have any children in any public or private elementary, middle or high school? If so, what school(s)?

My daughters are young, one not even old enough for pre-K. Unfortunately, we had an experience in Sarasota County schools that was not effective for our family, and we decided to home school. Our aim is to be able to put our three young daughters back into the school system. My wife and I are both products of public education, support public education and know that it can be the best option for many families.

What are the top three issues facing Sarasota’s public schools, and how should they be addressed?

Reading — Our schools are making strides on reading improvement, but there’s more work to do. Children learn to read and then read to learn — this is such an important skill to get right. Studies even show that third grade reading comprehension is indicative of a student’s future success. 

Teachers and Staff — Our teachers and staff need to feel appreciated and empowered. Investing in professional development for our teachers will ensure a successful education and school experience for our children. Teachers need to be rewarded when they go above and beyond. I also applaud Gov. DeSantis’ recent efforts to increase the pay of our teachers. 

Exceptional Student Education — Our ESE programs need much improvement. Thankfully, SCS has already started the process of bringing excellence in ESE. I will look to maintain a smart path forward and be a voice in ensuring all families and students are receiving adequate attention to succeed.

What grade would you give Superintendent Terrence Connor — A to F … and why?

So far, A. My focus for schools is education and ensuring our children leave school prepared for adulthood and knowing how to think critically. I see our superintendent focusing on education, adopting a data-driven approach for major decisions and restructuring programs to achieve better results for our children and teachers.

What grade would you give the school board for managing the district’s tax dollars — A to F … Why?

B. Needs improvement. I appreciate that the board is currently working through programs and organizational structure to be more efficient with our tax dollars. Our tax dollars must be invested in programs that provide measurable results. I will work for fiscal accountability and ensure that tax dollars are spent wisely. I see positive results, but I always look for more fiscal responsibility from any government-run organization.

What would you change to improve the district’s fiscal management?

On Day 1 I will be taking a hard look at each program and will aim to eliminate duplicative programs and those not showing results. I am not afraid to make tough decisions even if that makes me unpopular with some. These are taxpayer dollars, and I will be the strongest voice on the school board pushing to streamline systems, create efficiencies and double-down on programs showing positive results.

What would be your priorities if elected?

Education First. We need to get politics and distractions out of the classroom and boardroom. I want our teachers to focus on teaching and students to focus on learning real skills like reading, writing, and math. I will work on programs and partnerships that make public schools the absolute best choice for our children, with each child leaving high school ready for college, military, or the workforce.

Community Collaboration. Our public schools need to restore trust with our parents and the community. Our community in Sarasota County is made up of extraordinary people — from business leaders and global CEOs to renowned authors and artists. 

I will tap into this incredible talent pool by creating Citizen and Community Advisory Boards that can provide valuable input into curriculum, current learning gaps and help ensure our kids are learning the skills of the future. 

I will also establish a Parent Advisory Committee as parents absolutely should have a say in what their children are learning. Parents are a crucial part of a successful education and should be respected as such.

Accountability. Each approved program and tax dollar spent must be tied to a positive educational outcome for our children and teachers. Programs or systems that are failing need to be amended or removed. Using a data-driven approach, we can responsibly utilize tax dollars, empower teachers, and ensure our children are getting the most out of their education.

What is your position on the state’s school choice laws?

Choice for parents in education is a fundamental right. Each child deserves the opportunity to receive an education that works best for them. Gov. DeSantis’ school choice agenda is already positively impacting students and families.

How should the board’s 'public to be heard' part of the school board meetings be changed — or not changed at all? Why?

Elected officials answer to the entire community. Citizens have a right to and should be heard. The last school referendum vote passed with an overwhelming majority which shows our community believes in our education system. 

School Board meetings have become contentious; filled with drama, agendas, activists, and personal attacks. This does not further education in our county. 

I support a time-limited period for public comment, with preference given to local constituents with children in the schools. I am hopeful the recently approved public comment changes will help citizens provide valuable input in a more streamlined fashion.

What is your response and position on the U.S. Department of Education's April rule changes to Title IX?

I am the father of three young girls. I am not comfortable with biological men being permitted into women’s activities and facilities. 

This is a distraction from letting our teachers teach and allowing our students to learn. I support the millions of Florida parents who reject these ideas from entering our schools. 

I applaud Gov. DeSantis and Education Commissioner Díaz for their efforts to maintain a free Florida and rejecting the Department of Education Title IX changes. Our children must have a safe environment for learning and protecting our girls is one step towards that safe environment.


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