- January 29, 2025
Age: 46
Current occupation: Business owner (restaurant, ice cream shop and construction)
Resident of Sarasota County: Eight years
We need strong supporters of President Trump at all levels of government. Most of us see that our nation is in trouble. The good news is that America First principles can get us back on track. But one man alone cannot fix it. President Trump needs several strong supporters, like me, behind him.
I’m involved in so many important aspects of our community. I’m raising a young family. I’m helping my aging parents. I’m running multiple small businesses. I’m out enjoying nature and the outdoors. I’m involved with my church. I’m involved with my local and county Republican clubs. All of these activities provide highly relevant experience to make wise decisions on the Charter Review Board.
I’m aware of the situation we’re in. The radical left is on the march. Make no mistake — they are smart, tough and well funded. They are also quite sneaky. We need elected officials who are smarter and tougher. That’s where I can help.
I’m a conservative, and I like to conserve things — especially good things. Sarasota County is a wonderful place, and we need to keep it that way. My father used to have some sayings of wisdom that he passed on to me, and one of them was: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That’s the approach I will take on the Charter Review Board.
We need to be very, very careful with making changes. All decisions need to be gamed out four and five moves ahead. We’re playing chess, not checkers.
It’s OK to be open to all sources of good ideas, no matter where they come from — the board, voters, other counties, whatever. But the key is separating the good ideas from the bad.
Sarasota County must be protected. The people are not going to get snookered with Tex on the Charter Review Board. You can take that to the bank.