- March 13, 2025
Michelle Giannico, Michael Nunes, Karen Pashkow and Jeffery Nunes
Photo by Petra RiveraLongboat Island Chapel raffled different baskets at their annual fashion show on March 7.
Photo by Petra RiveraBecky Hopf and Gina Suponic
Photo by Petra RiveraRenee Lynch, Donna Dolan, Cindy Dotto and Anne Hasenfus
Photo by Petra RiveraKendall Ploense, Kate Nothacker and Paige Gilbert
Photo by Petra RiveraBarbara Koetsier
Photo by Petra RiveraLis Lammers and Carol Peschel
Photo by Petra RiveraKaren Pashkow and Tom Morse
Photo by Petra RiveraWaiters Gordon Govalet, Tom Giannico and Steven Thomas
Photo by Petra RiveraEllen Scotti-Belli, Theresa Scotti-Belli, Eileen Smith and Carol O'Neil
Photo by Petra RiveraJune Morse
Photo by Petra RiveraDia Wilson, Linda Crouse, Becky Hopf, Michelle Johnson, Lori Hallpenny, June Morse, Janine Wile, Sandy Endres, Sharyn Ford, June Hessel, Becky Thomas and Mary Ann Miller
Photo by Petra RiveraModel Janine Wile
Photo by Petra RiveraObserver reporter Petra Rivera
Courtesy imageModel Janine Wile
Courtesy imageModel Sandy Endres
Courtesy imageModel Becky Thomas
Courtesy imageModel Michelle Johnson
Courtesy imageSpring is blooming at the Longboat Island Chapel, and on March 7 the Chapel hosted its annual “garden party” themed fashion show.
All proceeds from the event went to the church.
Event co-chair Karen Pashkow said that the theme has been “garden party” for the last few years. Everyone comes with their best spring dresses, hats and fascinator head pieces.
Pashkow has been working on this event since the holiday season. She said models can only be in the fashion show once so she asks different people every year to do it.
“If someone is a regular at the Lord’s Warehouse or they are a new member of the church, I will ask them to be a model,” said Pashkow. “This event is just a whole thing in itself. There is so much that goes into it but it always ties together nicely in the end."
Guests arrived at 11 a.m. through the church doors. Walking down the church aisle, people could participate in raffles and a silent auction. People were then escorted to their tables by a volunteer waiter who is a member of the church. A chicken salad lunch made by Chef David Stone was served.
Event co-chair Lesley Rife was the commentator for the fashion show of 10 models. Pashkow also picked out a secret model whose identity was a mystery to everyone except her. All outfits were from the Lord’s Warehouse and were available for purchase.
Each of the models came in to the Lord's Warehouse a couple weeks before the show to choose outfits. They received help from model managers Dia Wilson and June Hessel. On the day of the show, models got their hair done by Design 2000 Salon and Mary Kay.
"The only time I really get to see these ladies are at church on Sundays," said model Janine Wile. "So this gave us the opportunity to bond and get closer. This is just a wonderful group of women and such a fun event."