Cops Corner

Neighbor accosts family over dock blocking his view

A man was ordered to cease contact with neighbors after verbally assaulting them over a new dock. This and other Sarasota Police Department reports in this week's Cops Corner.

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  • | 5:00 a.m. October 2, 2024
  • Sarasota
  • Cops Corner
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Friday, Sept. 20

Singing it loud

12:30 a.m., 2700 block of North Osprey Avenue

Noise disturbance: Loud music emanating from a nearby business brought officers to a residence whose occupant expressed concern about ongoing late-night noise levels that were disruptive to the neighborhood. Officers noted the sound emanating from a nearby restaurant and approached the property line with a sound level meter.

There, they were met by the irate business owner who insisted officers step off of his property. He then proceed to yell at officers while shining his cell phone flashlight in their faces. He eventually agreed to turn down the music volume and requested to speak with a supervisor. A sergeant responded and, while receiving his reality check, the sound check continued adjacent to the property line as decibel readings continued to exceed noise ordinance limits.

An investigation into the business license indicated the establishment was a permanent food service takeout with no liquor license, although numerous alcoholic beverages were observed. According to the police report, it is reasonable to believe the business is serving and/or allowing alcohol on site. The music was emanating from a karaoke machine in the rear of the business where officers observed multiple subjects singing into microphones and amplifying the sound levels.

This was the 22nd call for service to the business since June of 2024. The business consistently has large gatherings on Thursday evenings for karaoke night, and it is not uncommon for there to be a large gathering of people and vehicles spilling into neighboring business parking lots. The report made no mention regarding any continuing investigation.

Saturday, Sept. 21

Dock dispute

6:26 p.m., 3100 block of Bay Shore Road

Disturbance: Upon returning home from a boating trip on the bay, a complainant said he was on his dock with his family when a neighbor began yelling and cursing at them. The complainant produced a video confirming his claim and requested the officer speak with the neighbor.

The officer contacted the subject who stated he was yelling because he was upset at the complainant because he built a dock that partially blocked his view. The officer explained that the behavior was inappropriate and was told to cease any contact with the family. 

Sunday, Sept. 22

Airing his grievance

3:23 p.m., 300 block of St. Armands Circle

Dispute: A frustrated visitor to St. Armands Circle let the air out of a tire on a vehicle whose driver he claimed stole his coveted parking spot. The subject admitted deflating the tire after the driver of another vehicle snuck into a parking spot that he was waiting to back into in order to properly parallel park. After the two engaged in a brief argument, the subject was off to find another space.

Officers located an air compressor and inflated the tire and the car owner did not wish to pursue the matter further.

Monday, Sept. 23

Domino effect

7:05 a.m., unknown block of 29th Street

Disturbance: Following a late-night game of dominos, one guest refused to leave the host’s house and is suspected of eventually causing damage on his front porch.

The complainant advised that all parties had left his home following a rousing night of the classic tile-based game, but one woman, whom he was eventually able to get out of the house, continued to attempt to re-enter, knocking on windows and pulling on doors. Finally, he heard a loud crash and breaking glass, which turned out to be a glass-topped table and vase, both shattered and lying on the porch. He added he observed a cinderblock amid the broken glass.

The man said the did not witness the woman cause the damage nor was it captured on video, although he believes her to be the perpetrator. He estimated the value of the vase at $100 and the table glass top at $400. He was provided with the victim's pamphlet with the case number and advised to contact SPD to trespass the woman should she return to the property. The victim did not wish to press charges at this time.

Name dropper

10:50 p.m., 1500 block of Main Street

Property damage: While on patrol, an officer observed a man kick a “No Parking” sign. The subject was told to assist the officer with righting the sign, at which time he was immediately apologetic for his behavior and explained he kicked the sign out of frustratiion because he had just lost a $300 parlay bet. 

While attempting to fix the sign, the officer noticed damage that would no longer allow it to fit within the frame. The subject was notified a report for property damage would be generated. At this, the subject said he knew a city commissioner personally, and that the elected official would be “mad at him.” Not swayed by the name dropping, the officer informed the subject the sign owner would be given the opportunity to press charges. The man then the departed the area.


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