Letter to the Editor

Arguments lead to faulty conclusion

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  • | 8:30 a.m. October 7, 2024
  • Sarasota
  • Opinion
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After two pages laced with subheadings like “Why the worst get on top” and “Power is the goal” – clearly descriptive of former President Donald Trump — one can hardly suppress surprise at the conclusion. He should be elected again?

This editorial errs in blaming “the government” for economic woes that beset the American population while failing to recognize that those pulling the strings are the real culprits. These are not “low-information voters.”

Since the disastrous SCOTUS judgment Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission declared corporations to be “people,” giving them unlimited license to bribe our elected officials, the Fortune 500 and Forbes 400 have had their way with our so-called “government of the people.”  Real people have had their government stolen from them for the last 14 years.

People still cast votes, but it is guided too much by the enormous advertising poured into national campaigns — black money from who knows where? The Republican leader has told his MAGA-minions that after he is re-elected, they never need to vote again. Equally scary is the possibility of J.D. Vance becoming president.

Donald Trump and his multi-billionaire cronies are not the solution. They are the problem, pretending to be a solution.

–T. Guy Spencer, Sarasota


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